Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards
Each year, ECE provides hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships, fellowships, and award money to outstanding students. These awards are made possible by generous donations from alumni and corporate partners. Almost all of these awards are made on the basis of grades and extracurricular activities at Illinois.
While many of ECE’s scholarships and awards are given to current students, ECE and the College of Engineering also provide merit- and need-based scholarships to incoming freshmen and transfer students.
* Denotes a scholarship or award for which you must be nominated.
Note: All scholarships and awards listed on this page are given exclusively to students registered at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards
Applications for Illinois ECE scholarships open in April, and junior and senior students are alerted via email. The deadline to apply is June 2. For more information, please contact Pascal Youakim or stop in the ECE Advising Office in 2120 ECE Building.
Endowed Undergraduate Scholarships
- 3M-ECE Scholarship
- A.R. "Buck" Knight Scholarship
- Ackmann Family Scholarship
- Alwan Engineering Scholarship
- Barbara H. and Brian L. Renwick Electrical Engineering Scholarship
- Bradley A. Simmons Memorial Scholarship
- Bradley J. Griffis Endowed Scholarship
- Brian and Sophie Leung Scholarship
- Bruce C. Mather Memorial ECE Scholarship
- Burton J. Wilson Scholarship
- Daniel W. and Carol A. Dobberpuhl Electrical & Computer Engineering Scholarships
- Donald R. and Arline D. Jeschke Scholarship
- Dr. Kenneth P. and Claire V. Gibbs Scholarship
- Dr. Milton Feng Scholarship in ECE
- ECE Alumni Scholarship
- ECE ILLINOIS Scholarship
- ECE Outstanding Freshman Scholarship
- ECE Visionary Scholarships
- Eleftherios Polychronopoulos Scholarship
- Emma L. Marshall Scholarship
- Ernest A. Tolli Memorial Scholarship
- Floyd E. Lundgren Scholarship
- Frank C. Mock Scholarship
- Frank D. and Irene M. Low Scholarship
- Frederick D. Secor Memorial Scholarship
- George A. and Ina M. Zehr Scholarship
- George and Cynthia Anner Scholarship
- Harriet and Robert Perry Scholarship
- Henneman Scholarship in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Henry O. Koehler Merit Scholarship
- Herbert Y. and Stella S. Chang Scholarship
- IEEE Central Illinois Section Scholarship (CILS)
- IEEE Power and Energy Society Scholarship Plus Initiative
- Indira Gunda Saladi Engineering Research Prize
- Ingram Family Scholarship
- Jeewan Singh and Simranjeet Kaur Ghuman Scholarship
- John and Sheila Woythal Scholarship
- John Deere Foundation Scholarship
- Joseph W. Lyding Endowed Scholarship
- Jules D. Falzer Memorial Scholarship
- Kaskowitz Family Scholarship
- Kwon Family Scholarship
- Lauren Kelley Memorial Scholarship
- Mang Chi Chan Memorial Scholarship
- Micron Scholarship
- O. Thomas and Martha S. Purl Scholarship
- Oakley Scholarship in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Omron Electrical Engineering Scholarship
- Peter W. Sauer Scholarship
- Procter and Gamble Scholarship
- Professor G.H. Fett Memorial Scholarship
- Professor N. Narayana Rao Scholarship Award
- Richard W. and Elaine Benfer Scholarships
- Robert C. MacClinchie Scholarship
- Robert H. Jung and Lisa J. Chan Award in Electrical Engineering
- Robert M. Janowiak Scholarship
- Russell E. Berthold Scholarships
- Samsung Technology Track Scholarships
- Sparking Curiosity Scholarship
- Texas Instruments Women STEM Star Scholarships
- TIA - Robert William Pullen Foundation Scholarship
- Undergraduate Grainger Center Research and Leadership Program
- Varshney Family Scholarship
- Vincent A. and Janet O'Brien Scholarships
- W. J. "Jerry" Sanders III - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Scholarship
- William C. Kerchner Scholarship
- William J. Mayer Engineering Scholarship
- Zhang Cheng Family Scholarship
College of Engineering Organization Scholarships
- Tau Beta Pi Scholarships (under scholarships)
Undergraduate ECE Awards
- A.R. "Buck" Knight Award
- Daniel W. and Carol A. Dobberpuhl Student Award
- Donald L. Bitzer and H. Gene Slottow Creativity Award
- Edward and Margaret Ernst Award
- Edward C. Jordan Award
- Ellery B. Paine Outstanding Junior Award
- Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding Junior Award
- Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding Senior Award
- Grainger Power Engineering Award
- IEEE/ECE Alumni Outstanding Sophomore Award
- John Bardeen Undergraduate Award
- Justin David Cunningham Memorial Award
- Leung Student Venture Fund Award
- M. Stanley Helm Award
- Marcia Peterman Memorial Award
- Michael E. Napier Memorial Award
- Michelle and Alex Bratton Senior Design Awards
- Paul R. Egbert Memorial Award
- Professor N. Narayana Rao Scholarship Award
- Robert H. Jung and Lisa J. Chan Award in Electrical Engineering
- Siddharth "Sid" Muthal ECE Undergraduate Student Memorial Entrepreneur of the Year Award
- Timothy N. Trick Leadership Award
Grainger College of Engineering Awards
Graduate Fellowships
Entering Fellowships
To be considered for an entering fellowship, it is not necessary to submit a financial aid application. Applicants are automatically considered for fellowships based on their Application for Admission and supporting documents.
- Illinois Distinguished Fellowships
- ECE Distinguished Fellowships
- Dilip and Sandhya Sarwate Graduate Fellowships
- John Bardeen Fellowship in ECE
- SURGE Fellowships
Fellowships for Current Students
The Department and College of Engineering have a number of endowed fellowships which are awarded to students based on merit. These are smaller fellowships intended to supplement assistantships. Applications are solicited from students and faculty and the Department's Graduate Fellowship Committee makes selects the recipient. These fellowships are for one year.
- A.R. "Buck" Knight Fellowship
- Dan Vivoli Endowed Fellowship
- Dr. Ok Kyun Kim Fellowship
- E. A. Reid Fellowship
- ECE Distinguished Research Fellowship
- Harriett and Robert Perry Fellowship Award
- Hong, McCully, and Allen Fellowship
- James M. Henderson Fellowship
- Joan and Lalit Bahl Fellowship
- Linda Su-Nan Chang Sah Doctoral Fellowship
- Nick and Katherine Holonyak, Jr. Graduate Student Fellowship
- Professor Kung Chie Yeh Endowed Fellowship
- Rambus Computer Engineering Fellowship
- Sundaram Seshu International Student Fellowship
Outside Fellowships
These are fellowships awarded to graduate students by outside groups, usually in a national competition. The Department encourages its own students to apply for these prestigious fellowships. Most of them cover three to five years of graduate work.
- Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF)
- Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships for Minorities
- Fulbright Scholar
- Hertz Foundation Fellowships
- Intel
- National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowships
- National Physical Science Consortium
- National Science Foundation Fellowships
Graduate College Resources
Graduate Awards
Electrical and Computer Engineering Awards
- Andrew T. Yang Research and Entrepreneurship Award
- Elsa and Floyd Dunn Award
- Grainger Power Engineering Award
- Gregory Stillman Semiconductor Research Award
- Harold L. Olesen Undergraduate Teaching Award*
- John Bardeen Memorial Graduate Research Award
- Lieutenant General Thomas M. Rienzi Graduate Award
- M.E. Van Valkenburg Graduate Research Award
- Nick and Katherine Holonyak, Jr. Graduate Student Award
- Paul D. Coleman Outstanding Research Award
- Raj Mittra Outstanding Research Award
- Robert T. Chien Memorial Award
- Shun Lien Chuang Memorial Award for Excellence in Graduate Education
- Yi-Min Wang and Pi-Yu Chung Research Award
- Yuen T. Lo Outstanding Research Award
College of Engineering Awards
Ross J. Martin Memorial Award - This award was established by the college to recognize outstanding research achievement by a graduate student in the College of Engineering as a memorial to Ross J. Martin, associate dean of the college, who served as director of the Engineering Experiment Station for 26 years, until his death in 1984. During his tenure as director, the engineering research budget grew eightfold. Dean Martin realized how essential research is to a sound graduate engineering education and was instrumental in making this college one of the foremost research institutions in the world. This award is a tribute to his guidance and to the outstanding research conducted in this college.
Contact Us
Todd Sweet
Director of Constituent Engagement
1070 ECE Building
(217) 333-5943