Communications and control
The Communications Group is an interdisciplinary team of experts whose aim is to advance the fundamental theory and practice of massive data information mining, learning, privacy, statistical analysis, storage, and transmission.
Particular emphasis is placed on the development of interfaces between components of the data processing pipeline and on the practical applications governing the studies, including combinatorial auctions, genomics and systems biology, human-machine systems, network optimization, recommender protocols, reliable system control and design, and social sciences. The group prides itself on being at the forefront of developments in anomaly detection theory, analysis of algorithms, coding theory, compressive sensing, distributed and fault tolerant computing, game theory, information theory, high-dimensional statistics, machine learning, mechanism design, optimal transportation theory, and wireless communications.
The mission of the Decision and Control Laboratory is to create intelligence and autonomy in systems. In the early years, research focused on complex, dynamic systems such as airplanes and rockets. A main theme was robust control of the systems based on limited information. In many of today's applications exist an abundance of information, because of advances in sensor and network technologies. The challenge these days is to make the best use of information to create intelligent systems that can perform effectively under diverse circumstances, and can adapt to maintain reliability even in a highly uncertain, complex, and dynamic environment. We seek tools to obtain control solutions for complex, dynamic behaviors, even for grossly complex systems such as the Internet and other cyberphysical systems, genetic networks, swarms of robots, or economic markets. The creation of these tools requires application of both new and old mathematics.
Research Topics in this Area
- Adaptive control and identification
- Coding theory and applications
- Communication networks
- Decentralized and distributed control
- Discrete-event, switched and hybrid systems
- Dynamic games and decision theory
- Information theory
- Multi-agent systems and robot control
- Networked control systems
- Nonlinear systems and control
- Optical communications
- Random processes
- Reliable and robust control
- Robotics
- Signal detection and estimation
- Stochastic systems and control
- Vision-based control
- VLSI in communications
- Wireless communication systems
Lighting the way toward a new future in quantum computing
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