ECE Distinguished Colloquium Series
Jan 1, 2025 - May 31, 2025 Spring 2025

Toward a Systems Theory for Human-Centered Trustworthy Agentic AI
Kush Varshney, Ph.D. - Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
1002 ECEB - Grainger Auditorium

Meta-imaging of Textures and Tissues
Mark Brongersma, Ph.D. - Stanford University
1002 ECEB - Grainger Auditorium

High Performance Integrated Photonics based on Thin Film Lithium Niobate (TFLN)
Marko Loncar, Ph.D. - Harvard University
1002 ECEB - Grainger Auditorium

Intercellular Communication: Can It Be Mediated by Electromagnetics?
Kamal Sarabandi, Ph.D. - University of Michigan
1002 ECEB - Grainger Auditorium

Related Videos
Colloquium videos can be viewed using the embedded playlist below, or you can visit the Illinois Media Space website to watch them.
Archived Colloquium Videos
Provided below are videos from previous Colloquium presentations (Spring 2024 and earlier).
ECE Colloquium Spring 2024: Mike Zafirovksi – CEO of ZAF Consulting
Mike Zafirovski is the Founder, Chairman, and President of The Zaf Group, a family office engaged in operating, investment, and advisory activities. During his corporate career, Mike served as President/CEO at Nortel, Motorola, and five GE businesses. Formerly, Mike was an executive advisor to The Blackstone Group, and served on the boards of Boeing, Stericycle, Apria, Nortel, Motorola, and several Blackstone companies. From 2006 to 2010, Mr. Zafirovski was appointed by the President of the USA to the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC).
ECE Colloquium Spring 2024: Rebecca Willett – University of Chicago 3/28/2024
Physics-based simulations play a vital role in many scientific, engineering, and national security domains, including energy infrastructure, atmospheric sciences, and molecular dynamics.
ECE Colloquium Spring 2024: Harry Atwater – Caltech 3/21/2024
Electro-optically tunable active metasurfaces that enable dynamic modulation of reflection amplitude, phase, and polarization using resonantly excited materials and phenomena are powerful design elements for meta-imaging and computation.
Colloquium: A User Guide to Low-Pass Graph Signal Processing and its Applications
Anna Scaglione (M.Sc.'95, Ph.D. '99) is currently a professor in electrical and computer at Cornell Tech, the New York City campus of Cornell University, Prior to that she held faculty positions at Arizona State University, the University of California at Davis, Cornell University (the first time) and the University of New Mexico.
Colloquium: Electrification of Aviation
Juan de Bedout, Ph.D. - Senior Vice President of Aerospace Technology at Raytheon Technologies
Yahya Rahmat-Samii - University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Colloquium: One Click at a Time - Photon and Electron-Level Modeling in Computational Imaging
This talk will focus on how modeling at the level of individual detected particles inspires novel processing methods.
Colloquium: On Some Quantum Internet Information Rates
This talk discusses information rates in two quantum internet building blocks concerning quantum (conference) key distribution (QKD).
Colloquium: Computing Near Storage
We live in an age where enormous amount of data is being collected constantly because of smart phones, ubiquitous presence of sensors and the wide-spread use of social media. Useful and cost-effective analysis of this data is the biggest economic driver for the IT industry.
Colloquium: Underwater Acoustic Communications - Fundamentals and Recent Results
Underwater wireless communications rely on transmission of acoustic waves as electro-magnetic waves propagate only over very short distances.
Colloquium: Alumni Award Recipient Panel
Illinois ECE Colloquium Series - 2022 Alumni Awards Panel. We will be joined by four of the 2022 Illinois ECE Alumni Award Recipients.
Colloquium: Emerging opportunities in optical microresonators - fundamentals and applications
Lan Yang, Ph. D. - Professor, Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering, Washington University (St. Louis)
Colloquium: From Differentiable Reasoning to Self-supervised Embodied Active Learning
Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, discusses deep learning models that can find semantically meaningful representations of words, learn to read documents, and answer questions about their content.
Colloquium: Accelerating spatio-temporal data analytics and AI
Hendrik Hamann, Chief Scientist at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, presents new approaches for scalable spatio-temporal data indexing, processing, and analytics, which accelerate analytical tasks such as AI modeling by orders of magnitudes. The talk includes a series of examples illustrating complex analytics, ML and AI on multi-modal data sets including applications to weather, climate, agriculture, and renewable energy.
Colloquium: SiC - Beyond Power Devices
Alan Mantooth, Ph.D. - University of Arkansas
Colloquium: Graduate Student Well-being Informational Seminar
Panel of gust speakers addresses the issue of graduate student mental health.

Colloquium: Memristive Neuromorphic Computing Beyond Moore's Law
Steve Kang, Ph.D., University of California-Santa Cruz
Colloquium: First-Person Video for Understanding Interactions
Kristen Grauman, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin
Colloquium: Frontiers in Nanophotonics: Enabling Technology for Next-Generation Biosensors
Presentation by Hatice Altug, Ph.D., Professor, Institute of Bioengineering at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
Colloquium: Soft Electronic and Microfluidic Systems for the Skin
John Rogers, Ph.D., Materials Science & Engineering, Biomedical Engineering & Neurological Surgery, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL describes the key ideas from his research and presents some of the most recent device examples.
Colloquium: Information Security for the 6G Connected Future
Aylin Yener, Ph.D., Roy and Lois Chope Chair in Engineering, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor of Integrated Systems Engineering, and Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Colloquium: Revisiting Exploration versus Exploitation
P. R. Kumar, University Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor, and College of Engineering Chair in Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University. Prof. Kumar is also a Professor Emeritus from ECE and CSL.

Colloquium: Empathetic Physical Interaction
Katsu Yamane, Ph.D., Senior Scientist and Robotics Researcher, Honda Research Institute discusses two related projects: perception of pedestrian avoidance behavior of a mobile robot and modeling of intimate social interactions such as hugging.

Colloquium: Predictive and generative artificial intelligence for biology
In the field of artificial intelligence, a combination of scale in data and model capacity enabled by unsupervised learning has led to major advances in representation learning and statistical generation. In the life sciences, the anticipated growth of sequencing promises unprecedented data on natural sequence diversity.

Colloquium: Phase Calibration and Imaging in Interferometric Arrays
In this colloquium, Athol Kemball, Ph.D., Department of Astronomy, discusses recent work in phase calibration and image formation for radio interferometric arrays using new approaches made possible by supercomputing in the petascale era.

Colloquium: Deepak Divan - Power Electronics and Energy Access
Ensuring universal, affordable and sustainable energy access for everyone is one of the biggest societal changes of our time.

Colloquium: 2020 Illinois ECE Alumni Awards Panel
Celebrate the 2020 Illinois ECE alumni award recipients who participated on this panel discussion.

Colloquium: Illuminating My Career - From Flash Gordon to Laser Surgery
"Illuminating My Career - From Flash Gordon to Laser Surgery" presented by James J. Wynne, Ph.D. , IBM Research Headquarters, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Hts., NY.

Colloquium: Graduate Student Well-being Informational Seminar
Colloquium: Graduate Student Well-being Informational Seminar | September 10, 2020
This informational seminar will focuses on graduate well-being, including relationships with advisors and peers, recommendations for health, and important resources that are available for students. The featured speaker are:
Thomas Miebach - Thomas is a Clinical Counselor/Crisis Triage Case Manager at the Counseling Center. He oversees the crisis/triage services at the Counseling center, and also serves on Suicide Intervention Team and Suicide Prevention Outreach Team. Thomas coordinates the trauma response services provided to the UIUC campus. Prior to working at the Counseling Center, he worked as a Crisis Clinician providing crisis mental health services to the Champaign-Urbana area.