By Subject Area

Biomedical Imaging, Bioengineering, and Acoustics


Computer Engineering

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 385 Digital Systems Laboratory Credit in ECE 110
Credit in ECE 220
ECE 391 Computer Systems Engineering Credit in CS 233 or ECE 220 Website
ECE 395 Advanced Digital Projects Laboratory Credit in ECE 385
ECE 408 Applied Parallel Programming Website
ECE 411 Computer Organization and Design Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391
ECE 422 Computer Security I Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391 Website
ECE 424 Computer Security II Credit in CS 461 Website
ECE 428 Distributed Systems Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391 Website
ECE 438 Communication Networks Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391
Credit in ECE 313 or MATH 461 or MATH 463 or STAT 410
ECE 439 Wireless Network Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391
Credit in ECE 313 or MATH 461 or MATH 463 or STAT 410
ECE 448 Artificial Intelligence Credit in CS 225 or ECE 391 Website
ECE 491 Numerical Analysis Credit in CS 101 or Credit or concurrent registration in CS 125
Credit in CS 257 or CS 357 or MATH 415
Credit in MATH 285 or MATH 285
ECE 526 Distributed Algorithms Website
ECE 579 Computational Complexity Credit in CS 473 or CS 475

Control Systems

Core Curriculum

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 101 Exploring Digital Information Technology Website
ECE 110 Introduction to Electronics
ECE 120 Introduction to Computing Website
ECE 200 Seminar Website
ECE 205 Electrical and Electronic Circuits Credit in PHYS 212
ECE 206 Electric and Electronic Circuits Laboratory Credit in ECE 205 Website
ECE 210 Analog Signal Processing Credit in ECE 110
Credit in PHYS 212
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 285 or MATH 286
ECE 211 Analog Circuits & Systems Credit in ECE 110
Credit in PHYS 212
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 285 or MATH 286
ECE 220 Computer Systems & Programming Credit in ECE 120 Website
ECE 313 Probability with Engineering Applications Credit in MATH 257 or MATH 416 Website
ECE 316 Ethics and Engineering Credit in RHET 105 Website
ECE 396 Honors Project Website
ECE 397 Individual Study in ECE Problems Website
ECE 398 Special Topics in ECE Website
ECE 445 Senior Design Project Laboratory Senior Standing Website
ECE 493 Advanced Engineering Math Credit in MATH 284 or MATH 285 or MATH 286 or MATH 441

Electromagnetics, Optics and Remote Sensing

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 329 Fields and Waves I Credit in ECE 210 Website
ECE 350 Fields and Waves II Credit in ECE 329 Website
ECE 453 Wireless Communication Systems Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 342
Credit in ECE 329
ECE 520 Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems Credit in ECE 452 Website

General Sciences

Graduate Seminar and Thesis Research

Integrated Circuits and Systems

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 342 Electronic Circuits Credit in ECE 210 Website
ECE 343 Electronic Circuits Laboratory Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 342 Website
ECE 482 Digital IC Design Credit in ECE 198 KL or ECE 198 KL1 or ECE 198 KL2 or ECE 198 KL3 or ECE 220 or ECE 290
Credit in ECE 342
ECE 581 Advanced Analog IC Design Credit in ECE 310
Credit in ECE 483

Microelectronics and Photonics

Power and Energy Systems

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 470 Introduction to Robotics Credit in MATH 225 or MATH 286 or MATH 415 or MATH 418 Website
ECE 549 Computer Vision Credit in CS 225 or ECE 448

Signal Processing

Undergraduate Project, Seminar, and Thesis

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 496 Senior Research Project Credit in RHET 105
Senior Standing
ECE 499 Senior Thesis Credit in ECE 496 Website

Biomedical Imaging, Bioengineering, and Acoustics


Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 561 Detection and Estimation Theory Credit in ECE 534 Website

Computer Engineering

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 385 Digital Systems Laboratory Credit in ECE 110
Credit in ECE 220
ECE 391 Computer Systems Engineering Credit in CS 233 or ECE 220
ECE 395 Advanced Digital Projects Laboratory Credit in ECE 385 Website
ECE 408 Applied Parallel Programming
ECE 411 Computer Organization and Design Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391
ECE 422 Computer Security I Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391 Website
ECE 424 Computer Security II Credit in CS 461 Website
ECE 425 Intro to VLSI System Design Credit in CS 233 or ECE 385
Credit in CS 233 or ECE 411
ECE 428 Distributed Systems Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391 Website
ECE 438 Communication Networks Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391
Credit in ECE 313 or MATH 461 or MATH 463 or STAT 410
ECE 448 Artificial Intelligence Credit in CS 225 or ECE 391
ECE 462 Logic Synthesis Credit in CS 233 or ECE 198 KL or ECE 198 KL1 or ECE 198 KL2 or ECE 198 KL3 or ECE 220 Website
ECE 478 Formal Software Development Methods Credit in CS 225
Credit in CS 373 or MATH 414
ECE 491 Numerical Analysis Credit in CS 101 or Credit or concurrent registration in CS 125
Credit in CS 257 or CS 357 or MATH 415
Credit in MATH 285 or MATH 285

Control Systems

Core Curriculum

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 101 Exploring Digital Information Technology Website
ECE 110 Introduction to Electronics
ECE 120 Introduction to Computing Website
ECE 200 Seminar Website
ECE 205 Electrical and Electronic Circuits Credit in PHYS 212
ECE 206 Electric and Electronic Circuits Laboratory Credit in ECE 205
ECE 210 Analog Signal Processing Credit in ECE 110
Credit in PHYS 212
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 285 or MATH 286
ECE 211 Analog Circuits & Systems Credit in ECE 110
Credit in PHYS 212
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 285 or MATH 286
ECE 220 Computer Systems & Programming Credit in ECE 120 Website
ECE 313 Probability with Engineering Applications Credit in MATH 257 or MATH 416 Website
ECE 316 Ethics and Engineering Credit in RHET 105
ECE 317 Introduction to ECE Technology & Management Credit in MATH 220 or MATH 221 or MATH 234
ECE 396 Honors Project Website
ECE 397 Individual Study in ECE Problems Website
ECE 398 Special Topics in ECE Website
ECE 445 Senior Design Project Laboratory Senior Standing

Electromagnetics, Optics and Remote Sensing

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 329 Fields and Waves I Credit in ECE 210 Website
ECE 350 Fields and Waves II Credit in ECE 329
ECE 454 Antennas Credit in ECE 350 Website
ECE 457 Microwave Devices & Circuits Credit in ECE 340
Credit in ECE 350

General Sciences

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 534 Random Processes Credit in ECE 313 or MATH 461 or STAT 400 or STAT 410
ECE 543 Statistical Learning Theory Credit in ECE 534 Website

Graduate Seminar and Thesis Research

Integrated Circuits and Systems

Microelectronics and Photonics

Power and Energy Systems

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 470 Introduction to Robotics Credit in MATH 225 or MATH 286 or MATH 415 or MATH 418
ECE 549 Computer Vision Credit in CS 225 or ECE 448

Signal Processing

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 310 Digital Signal Processing Credit in ECE 210
ECE 311 Digital Signal Processing Lab Credit or concurrent registration in ece 310
ECE 418 Introduction to Image and Video Processing Credit in ECE 310
Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 313 or IE 400 or MATH 461 or STAT 400 or STAT 410
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 415
ECE 420 Embedded DSP Laboratory Credit in ECE 310 Website
ECE 513 Vector Space Signal Processing Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410
Credit in ECE 410
Credit in MATH 415

Undergraduate Project, Seminar, and Thesis

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 496 Senior Research Project Credit in RHET 105
Senior Standing
ECE 499 Senior Thesis Credit in ECE 496 Website

Biomedical Imaging, Bioengineering, and Acoustics

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 380 Biomedical Imaging Website
ECE 402 Electronic Music Synthesis Credit in ECE 310
ECE 403 Audio Engineering Credit in ECE 210
Credit in ECE 310
ECE 416 Biosensors Credit in ECE 329
ECE 437 Sensors and Instrumentation Website
ECE 467 Biophotonics Credit in ECE 455 or ECE 460
Credit in PHYS 402
ECE 472 Biomedical Ultrasound Imaging Credit in ECE 329 Website
ECE 473 Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics Credit in MATH 285 or MATH 286 Website
ECE 480 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Credit in ECE 310
ECE 529 Light-Matter Interactions
ECE 537 Speech Processing Fundamentals Credit in ECE 310 Website
ECE 545 Advanced Physical Acoustics Credit in ECE 473 or ECE 520 or TAM 518
ECE 564 Modern Light Microscopy Website
ECE 594 Mathematical Models of Language Credit in ECE 537 Website


Computer Engineering

Control Systems

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 486 Control Systems Credit in ECE 210 Website
ECE 490 Introduction to Optimization Credit in ECE 190
Credit in MATH 415
ECE 515 Control System Theory & Design Credit in ECE 486 Website
ECE 517 Nonlinear & Adaptive Control Credit in ECE 515
ECE 528 Analysis of Nonlinear Systems Credit in ECE 515
Credit in MATH 285
ECE 553 Optimum Control Systems Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410
Credit in ECE 515
ECE 554 Dynamic System Reliability Credit in ECE 313
Credit in ECE 515
ECE 555 Control of Stochastic Systems Credit in ECE 515
Credit in ECE 534
ECE 586 CH Topics in Decision and Control: Coding Approaches to Reliable System Design Credit in ECE 413 or ECE 462
ECE 586 DL Topics in Decision and Control Website
ECE 586 GT Topics in Decision and Control
ECE 586 RS Topics in Decision and Control Website
ECE 586 YM Topics in Decision and Control: Estimation and Segmentation of Hybrid Models

Core Curriculum

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 101 Exploring Digital Information Technology Website
ECE 110 Introduction to Electronics Website
ECE 120 Introduction to Computing Website
ECE 200 Seminar Website
ECE 205 Electrical and Electronic Circuits Credit in PHYS 212 Website
ECE 206 Electric and Electronic Circuits Laboratory Credit in ECE 205 Website
ECE 210 Analog Signal Processing Credit in ECE 110
Credit in PHYS 212
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 285 or MATH 286
ECE 211 Analog Circuits & Systems Credit in ECE 110
Credit in PHYS 212
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 285 or MATH 286
ECE 220 Computer Systems & Programming Credit in ECE 120 Website
ECE 297 Individual Study Website
ECE 313 Probability with Engineering Applications Credit in MATH 257 or MATH 416 Website
ECE 316 Ethics and Engineering Credit in RHET 105 Website
ECE 317 Introduction to ECE Technology & Management Credit in MATH 220 or MATH 221 or MATH 234
ECE 396 Honors Project Website
ECE 397 Individual Study in ECE Problems Website
ECE 398 Special Topics in ECE Website
ECE 398 BD Making Sense of Big Data
ECE 398 BH1 Special Topics in ECE
ECE 398 GT Elements of Solid State Electronics
ECE 398 PSC Innovation and Engineering Design
ECE 445 Senior Design Project Laboratory Senior Standing Website
ECE 446 Prin of Expmntl Research in EE Website

Electromagnetics, Optics and Remote Sensing

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 329 Fields and Waves I Credit in ECE 210 Website
ECE 350 Fields and Waves II Credit in ECE 329 Website
ECE 447 Active Microwave Circuit Design Credit in ECE 350
Credit in ECE 453
ECE 451 Advanced Microwave Measurements Credit in ECE 350 Website
ECE 452 Electromagnetic Fields Credit in ECE 350
ECE 453 Wireless Communication Systems Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 342
Credit in ECE 329
ECE 454 Antennas Credit in ECE 350 Website
ECE 456 Global Nav Satellite Systems Credit in ECE 310
Credit in ECE 329
ECE 457 Microwave Devices & Circuits Credit in ECE 340
Credit in ECE 350
ECE 458 Applications of Radio Wave Propagation Credit in ECE 350
ECE 460 Optical Imaging Credit in ECE 329
Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 313 or STAT 400 or STAT 410
ECE 468 Optical Remote Sensing Credit in ECE 329
Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410
ECE 520 Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems Credit in ECE 452
ECE 531 Theory of Guided Waves Credit in ECE 520
ECE 540 Computational Electromagnetics Credit in CS 357
Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 520
ECE 569 Inverse Problems in Optics Credit in ECE 460
ECE 570 Nonlinear Optics Credit in ECE 520 Website
ECE 571 Electromagnetic Waves in Inhomogeneous Media Credit in MATH 446
Credit in ECE 520 or PHYS 505
ECE 577 Advanced Antenna Theory Credit in ECE 520

General Sciences

Graduate Seminar and Thesis Research

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 500 ECE Colloquium
ECE 590 Grad Seminar in Special Topics
ECE 590 B Seminar: Antennas, Electromagnetics & Coherent Optics
ECE 590 C Seminar: Computer Vision
ECE 590 D Seminar: Bioacoustics
ECE 590 G Seminar: Microelectronics II
ECE 590 H Seminar: Gaseous Electronics
ECE 590 I Seminar: Power Systems
ECE 590 P Seminar: Signal and Image Processing
ECE 590 S Seminar: VLSI Circuits, Systems, and Technology
ECE 590 X Seminar: Computer Systems
ECE 596 Master's Project
ECE 597 Individual Study in ECE
ECE 598 AL3 Special Topics: Speech Acoustics
ECE 598 AM Special Topics in ECE
ECE 598 ARF Special Topics: Advanced Radio-frequency Integrated Circuits
ECE 598 HR Special Topics: Novel Carbon-Based NEMS, Quantum and Electric Devices
ECE 598 LS Special Topics: Analysis Techniques for Large-Scale Electrical Systems
ECE 598 MIF Special Topics: Multi-threaded Computer Architecture
ECE 598 MTB Special Topics: Static and Dynamic Game Theory
ECE 598 WHS Special Topics: Analytic Techniques for Computer System Evaluation
ECE 599 Thesis Research

Integrated Circuits and Systems

Microelectronics and Photonics

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 304 Photonic Devices
ECE 340 Semiconductor Devices Credit in ECE 210
Credit in PHYS 214
ECE 441 Physics and Modeling of Semiconductor Devices Credit in ECE 340
ECE 442 Silicon Photonics Credit in ECE 350 Website
ECE 443 LEDs and Solar Cells Credit in ECE 340 Website
ECE 444 IC Device Theory & Fabrication Credit in ECE 340
ECE 455 Optical Electronics Credit in ECE 350 or PHYS 436 Website
ECE 481 Nanotechnology Credit in CHBE 457 or CHEM 442 or ME 485 or MSE 401 or PHYS 460
ECE 487 Introduction to Quantum Electronics Credit in PHYS 485
ECE 488 Compound Semiconductors and Devices Credit in ECE 340
Credit in ECE 350
ECE 495 Photonic Device Laboratory Credit in ECE 487 Website
ECE 518 Adv Semiconductor Nanotech
ECE 532 Compound Semiconductors and Diode Lasers Credit in ECE 440
Credit in PHYS 486
ECE 535 Theory of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices Credit in ECE 340
Credit in PHYS 486
ECE 536 Integrated Optics and Optoelectronics Credit in ECE 455 or ECE 487 or PHYS 486
ECE 538 2D Material Electronics and Photonics Credit in ECE 340
ECE 539 Advanced Theory of Semiconductors & Devices Credit in ECE 535
ECE 572 Quantum Optoelectronics
ECE 574 Nanophotonics Credit in ECE 455 or ECE 572
Credit in ECE 487 or PHYS 486

Power and Energy Systems

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 307 Techniques for Engineering Decisions Credit in ECE 210
Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 313 or STAT 410
ECE 330 Power Circuits and Electromechanics Credit in ECE 210 Website
ECE 333 Green Electric Energy Credit in ECE 205 or ECE 210
ECE 431 Electric Machinery Credit in ECE 330
ECE 464 Power Electronics Credit in ECE 342
ECE 469 Power Electronics Laboratory Credit in ECE 343
Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 464
ECE 476 Power System Analysis Credit in ECE 330 Website
ECE 530 Large-Scale System Analysis Credit in ECE 476
Credit in ECE 464
ECE 554 Dynamic System Reliability Credit in ECE 313
Credit in ECE 515
ECE 568 Modeling and Control of Electromechanical Systems Credit in ECE 431
Credit in ECE 515
ECE 573 Power System Control Credit in ECE 476
Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 530
ECE 576 Power System Dynamics and Stability Credit in ECE 476
Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 530
ECE 588 Electricity Resource Planning Credit in MATH 415
Credit in ECE 476
Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 470 Introduction to Robotics Credit in MATH 225 or MATH 286 or MATH 415 or MATH 418
ECE 549 Computer Vision Credit in CS 225 or ECE 448

Signal Processing

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 310 Digital Signal Processing Credit in ECE 210
ECE 311 Digital Signal Processing Lab Credit or concurrent registration in ece 310
ECE 417 Multimedia Signal Processing Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410
Credit in ECE 310
ECE 418 Introduction to Image and Video Processing Credit in ECE 310
Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 313 or IE 400 or MATH 461 or STAT 400 or STAT 410
Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 415
ECE 420 Embedded DSP Laboratory Credit in ECE 310 Website
ECE 513 Vector Space Signal Processing Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410
Credit in ECE 410
Credit in MATH 415
ECE 544 Topics in Signal Processing
ECE 544 MD Wavelets in Signal Processing Credit in ECE 551
ECE 544 NA Topics in Signal Processing
ECE 544 PM Statistical Image and Video Processing
ECE 547 Topics in Image Processing Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410
Credit in ECE 410
ECE 551 Digital Signal Processing, II Credit in ECE 313
Credit in ECE 310
ECE 558 Digital Imaging Credit in ECE 310
Credit in ECE 313

Undergraduate Project, Seminar, and Thesis

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ECE 496 Senior Research Project Credit in RHET 105
Senior Standing
ECE 499 Senior Thesis Credit in ECE 496