By Subject Area
Biomedical Imaging, Bioengineering, and Acoustics
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 380 | Biomedical Imaging | Website | |
ECE 402 | Electronic Music Synthesis | Credit in ECE 310 | |
ECE 414 | Biomedical Instrumentation | Credit in ECE 205 or ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 415 | Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory | Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 414 | |
ECE 437 | Sensors and Instrumentation | Website | |
ECE 473 | Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics | Credit in MATH 285 or MATH 286 | Website |
ECE 529 | Light-Matter Interactions | ||
ECE 537 | Speech Processing Fundamentals | Credit in ECE 310 | Website |
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 459 | Communications Systems | Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410 | Website |
ECE 463 | Digital Communications Laboratory | Credit in ECE 459 | Website |
ECE 562 | Advanced Digital Communication | ||
ECE 563 | Information Theory | Credit in ECE 534 or MATH 464 or MATH 564 | Website |
Computer Engineering
Control Systems
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 486 | Control Systems | Credit in ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 490 | Introduction to Optimization | Credit in ECE 190 Credit in MATH 415 |
ECE 515 | Control System Theory & Design | Credit in ECE 486 | Website |
ECE 555 | Control of Stochastic Systems | Credit in ECE 515 Credit in ECE 534 |
Core Curriculum
Electromagnetics, Optics and Remote Sensing
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 329 | Fields and Waves I | Credit in ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 350 | Fields and Waves II | Credit in ECE 329 | Website |
ECE 453 | Wireless Communication Systems | Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 342 Credit in ECE 329 |
ECE 520 | Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems | Credit in ECE 452 | Website |
General Sciences
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 534 | Random Processes | Credit in ECE 313 or MATH 461 or STAT 400 or STAT 410 | Website |
ECE 566 | Computational Inference | ||
ECE 580 | Optimization by Vector Space Methods | Credit in MATH 415 or MATH 482 Credit in MATH 447 |
Website |
Graduate Seminar and Thesis Research
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 500 | ECE Colloquium | ||
ECE 590 | Grad Seminar in Special Topics | ||
ECE 590 I | Seminar: Power Systems | ||
ECE 596 | Master's Project | ||
ECE 597 | Individual Study in ECE | ||
ECE 599 | Thesis Research |
Integrated Circuits and Systems
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 342 | Electronic Circuits | Credit in ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 343 | Electronic Circuits Laboratory | Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 342 | Website |
ECE 482 | Digital IC Design | Credit in ECE 198 KL or ECE 198 KL1 or ECE 198 KL2 or ECE 198 KL3 or ECE 220 or ECE 290 Credit in ECE 342 |
ECE 581 | Advanced Analog IC Design | Credit in ECE 310 Credit in ECE 483 |
Website |
Microelectronics and Photonics
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 304 | Photonic Devices | ||
ECE 340 | Semiconductor Devices | Credit in ECE 210 Credit in PHYS 214 |
Website |
ECE 444 | IC Device Theory & Fabrication | Credit in ECE 340 | |
ECE 455 | Optical Electronics | Credit in ECE 350 or PHYS 436 | Website |
ECE 518 | Adv Semiconductor Nanotech |
Power and Energy Systems
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 330 | Power Circuits and Electromechanics | Credit in ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 333 | Green Electric Energy | Credit in ECE 205 or ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 464 | Power Electronics | Credit in ECE 342 | |
ECE 469 | Power Electronics Laboratory | Credit in ECE 343 Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 464 |
ECE 476 | Power System Analysis | Credit in ECE 330 | Website |
ECE 530 | Large-Scale System Analysis | Credit in ECE 476 Credit in ECE 464 |
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 470 | Introduction to Robotics | Credit in MATH 225 or MATH 286 or MATH 415 or MATH 418 | Website |
ECE 549 | Computer Vision | Credit in CS 225 or ECE 448 |
Signal Processing
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 310 | Digital Signal Processing | Credit in ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 311 | Digital Signal Processing Lab | Credit or concurrent registration in ece 310 | Website |
ECE 420 | Embedded DSP Laboratory | Credit in ECE 310 | Website |
ECE 551 | Digital Signal Processing, II | Credit in ECE 313 Credit in ECE 310 |
Website |
Undergraduate Project, Seminar, and Thesis
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 496 | Senior Research Project | Credit in RHET 105 Senior Standing |
Website |
ECE 499 | Senior Thesis | Credit in ECE 496 | Website |
Biomedical Imaging, Bioengineering, and Acoustics
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 402 | Electronic Music Synthesis | Credit in ECE 310 | |
ECE 414 | Biomedical Instrumentation | Credit in ECE 205 or ECE 210 | |
ECE 415 | Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory | Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 414 | |
ECE 416 | Biosensors | Credit in ECE 329 | Website |
ECE 467 | Biophotonics | Credit in ECE 455 or ECE 460 Credit in PHYS 402 |
Website |
ECE 472 | Biomedical Ultrasound Imaging | Credit in ECE 329 | Website |
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 561 | Detection and Estimation Theory | Credit in ECE 534 | Website |
Computer Engineering
Control Systems
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 486 | Control Systems | Credit in ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 490 | Introduction to Optimization | Credit in ECE 190 Credit in MATH 415 |
Website |
ECE 515 | Control System Theory & Design | Credit in ECE 486 | Website |
ECE 528 | Analysis of Nonlinear Systems | Credit in ECE 515 Credit in MATH 285 |
Website |
ECE 553 | Optimum Control Systems | Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410 Credit in ECE 515 |
Website |
ECE 554 | Dynamic System Reliability | Credit in ECE 313 Credit in ECE 515 |
Website |
Core Curriculum
Electromagnetics, Optics and Remote Sensing
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 329 | Fields and Waves I | Credit in ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 350 | Fields and Waves II | Credit in ECE 329 | |
ECE 454 | Antennas | Credit in ECE 350 | Website |
ECE 457 | Microwave Devices & Circuits | Credit in ECE 340 Credit in ECE 350 |
General Sciences
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 534 | Random Processes | Credit in ECE 313 or MATH 461 or STAT 400 or STAT 410 | |
ECE 543 | Statistical Learning Theory | Credit in ECE 534 | Website |
Graduate Seminar and Thesis Research
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 500 | ECE Colloquium | ||
ECE 590 | Grad Seminar in Special Topics | ||
ECE 590 D | Seminar: Bioacoustics | ||
ECE 590 I | Seminar: Power Systems | ||
ECE 596 | Master's Project | ||
ECE 597 | Individual Study in ECE | ||
ECE 599 | Thesis Research |
Integrated Circuits and Systems
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 342 | Electronic Circuits | Credit in ECE 210 | |
ECE 343 | Electronic Circuits Laboratory | Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 342 | |
ECE 483 | Analog IC Design | Credit in ECE 342 | |
ECE 546 | Advanced Signal Integrity | Website | |
ECE 585 | MOS Device Modeling & Design | Credit in ECE 441 |
Microelectronics and Photonics
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 340 | Semiconductor Devices | Credit in ECE 210 Credit in PHYS 214 |
Website |
ECE 441 | Physics and Modeling of Semiconductor Devices | Credit in ECE 340 | |
ECE 443 | LEDs and Solar Cells | Credit in ECE 340 | Website |
ECE 444 | IC Device Theory & Fabrication | Credit in ECE 340 | |
ECE 481 | Nanotechnology | Credit in CHBE 457 or CHEM 442 or ME 485 or MSE 401 or PHYS 460 | |
ECE 495 | Photonic Device Laboratory | Credit in ECE 487 | Website |
ECE 538 | 2D Material Electronics and Photonics | Credit in ECE 340 | |
ECE 574 | Nanophotonics | Credit in ECE 455 or ECE 572 Credit in ECE 487 or PHYS 486 |
Power and Energy Systems
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 330 | Power Circuits and Electromechanics | Credit in ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 333 | Green Electric Energy | Credit in ECE 205 or ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 431 | Electric Machinery | Credit in ECE 330 | |
ECE 554 | Dynamic System Reliability | Credit in ECE 313 Credit in ECE 515 |
Website |
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 470 | Introduction to Robotics | Credit in MATH 225 or MATH 286 or MATH 415 or MATH 418 | |
ECE 549 | Computer Vision | Credit in CS 225 or ECE 448 |
Signal Processing
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 310 | Digital Signal Processing | Credit in ECE 210 | |
ECE 311 | Digital Signal Processing Lab | Credit or concurrent registration in ece 310 | |
ECE 418 | Introduction to Image and Video Processing | Credit in ECE 310 Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 313 or IE 400 or MATH 461 or STAT 400 or STAT 410 Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 415 |
ECE 420 | Embedded DSP Laboratory | Credit in ECE 310 | Website |
ECE 513 | Vector Space Signal Processing | Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410 Credit in ECE 410 Credit in MATH 415 |
Undergraduate Project, Seminar, and Thesis
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 496 | Senior Research Project | Credit in RHET 105 Senior Standing |
Website |
ECE 499 | Senior Thesis | Credit in ECE 496 | Website |
Biomedical Imaging, Bioengineering, and Acoustics
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 380 | Biomedical Imaging | Website | |
ECE 402 | Electronic Music Synthesis | Credit in ECE 310 | |
ECE 403 | Audio Engineering | Credit in ECE 210 Credit in ECE 310 |
ECE 416 | Biosensors | Credit in ECE 329 | |
ECE 437 | Sensors and Instrumentation | Website | |
ECE 467 | Biophotonics | Credit in ECE 455 or ECE 460 Credit in PHYS 402 |
ECE 472 | Biomedical Ultrasound Imaging | Credit in ECE 329 | Website |
ECE 473 | Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics | Credit in MATH 285 or MATH 286 | Website |
ECE 480 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Credit in ECE 310 | |
ECE 529 | Light-Matter Interactions | ||
ECE 537 | Speech Processing Fundamentals | Credit in ECE 310 | Website |
ECE 545 | Advanced Physical Acoustics | Credit in ECE 473 or ECE 520 or TAM 518 | |
ECE 564 | Modern Light Microscopy | Website | |
ECE 594 | Mathematical Models of Language | Credit in ECE 537 | Website |
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 459 | Communications Systems | Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410 | Website |
ECE 463 | Digital Communications Laboratory | Credit in ECE 459 | Website |
ECE 556 | Coding Theory | Credit in MATH 417 | |
ECE 559 | Topics in Communications | ||
ECE 559 BD | Coding and Cryptography | ||
ECE 559 BH | Distributed Network Algorithms | Credit in ECE 534 or MATH 466 Credit in CS 473 |
ECE 559 PV | Wireless Communications | Credit in ECE 534 Credit in ECE 461 |
ECE 559 RB | Topics in Communications | ||
ECE 559 RS | Modeling and Control of High-Speed Networks | ||
ECE 561 | Detection and Estimation Theory | Credit in ECE 534 | |
ECE 562 | Advanced Digital Communication | ||
ECE 563 | Information Theory | Credit in ECE 534 or MATH 464 or MATH 564 | Website |
Computer Engineering
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 198 JL | Introduction to Computer Eng (future ECE 120) | ||
ECE 385 | Digital Systems Laboratory | Credit in ECE 110 Credit in ECE 220 |
ECE 391 | Computer Systems Engineering | Credit in CS 233 or ECE 220 | Website |
ECE 395 | Advanced Digital Projects Laboratory | Credit in ECE 385 | |
ECE 408 | Applied Parallel Programming | Website | |
ECE 411 | Computer Organization and Design | Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391 | Website |
ECE 425 | Intro to VLSI System Design | Credit in CS 233 or ECE 385 Credit in CS 233 or ECE 411 |
Website |
ECE 439 | Wireless Network | Credit in CS 241 or ECE 391 Credit in ECE 313 or MATH 461 or MATH 463 or STAT 410 |
ECE 462 | Logic Synthesis | Credit in CS 233 or ECE 198 KL or ECE 198 KL1 or ECE 198 KL2 or ECE 198 KL3 or ECE 220 | |
ECE 526 | Distributed Algorithms | Website |
Control Systems
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 486 | Control Systems | Credit in ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 490 | Introduction to Optimization | Credit in ECE 190 Credit in MATH 415 |
Website |
ECE 515 | Control System Theory & Design | Credit in ECE 486 | Website |
ECE 517 | Nonlinear & Adaptive Control | Credit in ECE 515 | |
ECE 528 | Analysis of Nonlinear Systems | Credit in ECE 515 Credit in MATH 285 |
ECE 553 | Optimum Control Systems | Credit in ECE 313 or STAT 410 Credit in ECE 515 |
Website |
ECE 554 | Dynamic System Reliability | Credit in ECE 313 Credit in ECE 515 |
Website |
ECE 555 | Control of Stochastic Systems | Credit in ECE 515 Credit in ECE 534 |
ECE 586 CH | Topics in Decision and Control: Coding Approaches to Reliable System Design | Credit in ECE 413 or ECE 462 | |
ECE 586 DL | Topics in Decision and Control | Website | |
ECE 586 GT | Topics in Decision and Control | ||
ECE 586 RS | Topics in Decision and Control | Website | |
ECE 586 YM | Topics in Decision and Control: Estimation and Segmentation of Hybrid Models |
Core Curriculum
Electromagnetics, Optics and Remote Sensing
General Sciences
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 534 | Random Processes | Credit in ECE 313 or MATH 461 or STAT 400 or STAT 410 | Website |
ECE 543 | Statistical Learning Theory | Credit in ECE 534 | Website |
ECE 566 | Computational Inference | ||
ECE 580 | Optimization by Vector Space Methods | Credit in MATH 415 or MATH 482 Credit in MATH 447 |
Website |
Graduate Seminar and Thesis Research
Integrated Circuits and Systems
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 342 | Electronic Circuits | Credit in ECE 210 | Website |
ECE 343 | Electronic Circuits Laboratory | Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 342 | Website |
ECE 482 | Digital IC Design | Credit in ECE 198 KL or ECE 198 KL1 or ECE 198 KL2 or ECE 198 KL3 or ECE 220 or ECE 290 Credit in ECE 342 |
ECE 483 | Analog IC Design | Credit in ECE 342 | |
ECE 527 | System-On-Chip Design | Credit in ECE 391 Credit in ECE 425 |
Website |
ECE 546 | Advanced Signal Integrity | ||
ECE 552 | Numerical Circuit Analysis | Credit in ECE 210 Credit in MATH 415 |
ECE 560 | VLSI in Signal Processing and Communications | Credit in ECE 410 | |
ECE 581 | Advanced Analog IC Design | Credit in ECE 310 Credit in ECE 483 |
Website |
ECE 582 | Physical VLSI Design | Credit in ECE 425 or ECE 482 | |
ECE 585 | MOS Device Modeling & Design | Credit in ECE 441 |
Microelectronics and Photonics
Power and Energy Systems
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 470 | Introduction to Robotics | Credit in MATH 225 or MATH 286 or MATH 415 or MATH 418 | |
ECE 549 | Computer Vision | Credit in CS 225 or ECE 448 |
Signal Processing
Undergraduate Project, Seminar, and Thesis
Number | Title | Prerequisites | Web Site |
ECE 496 | Senior Research Project | Credit in RHET 105 Senior Standing |
Website |
ECE 499 | Senior Thesis | Credit in ECE 496 |