Become an Electrical or Computer Engineer
Major in Computer Engineering
Computer engineers design, implement, program, verify and analyze computing systems. They work in all segments of the broad and thriving computer industry, as software engineers, programmers, computer system architects, microprocessor/hardware designers, among many other specialties. By understanding a computer system from top to bottom – from application software to operating systems to hardware and circuits – computer engineers are well prepared to create the wide array of computing systems and devices that we all use and depend upon every day
Computer Engineering Graduates Work in Every Sector of the Economy By:
- Designing mobile phone operating systems, applications, and hardware
- Designing scalable cloud service architectures, operating systems, and performance tools
- Developing game engines and massively parallel graphical libraries and hardware
- Creating massively parallel computing hardware, operating system, and libraries for scientific discoveries
- Creating advanced embedded real time systems for all engineering sectors of the industry
- Developing computing hardware and software systems for all modalities of medical imaging
Our program provides a strong foundation coupled with advanced coursework in the area(s) of each student's choosing.
Average Starting Salary (Bachelor’s Degree) – $77,653
Sample Careers & Companies
- Software Architect (Google – working on challenging large-scale distributed applications)
- GPU architect (NVIDIA – working on energy efficient, high-performance graphics processors)
- Partner (Hanley, Flight & Zimmerman, LLC – Intellectual Property Law)
- Software Developer (Microsoft – working on Windows operating system)
- Microprocessor Architect (Intel – working on server microprocessors for cloud services)
- Research Staff Member (IBM, working on revolutionary DRAM architecture for future processors)
- Co-founder (Personify – working on advanced video tele-presence technology and applications)
- Senior Software Engineer (Apple – working on dynamic compilers for iOS applications)
- Professor (University of Michigan – conducting world class research and teaching activities)
Sample Courses
- ECE 120, Introduction to Computing
- ECE 220, Computer Systems & Programming
- ECE 310, Digital Signal Processing
- ECE 385, Digital Systems Laboratory
- ECE 391, Computer Systems Engineering
- ECE 408, Applied Parallel Programming
- ECE 411, Computer Organization and Design
- ECE 422, Computer Security
- ECE 425, Introduction to VLSI Design
- ECE 428, Distributed Systems
- ECE 438, Communication Networks
- ECE 462, Logic Synthesis
Major in Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineers design, construct, and maintain products, services, and systems and perform research to create new ideas in areas such as energy and power, circuits and electronics, optics, remote sensing, electromagnetics, communications, signal processing and control, and networking and computing systems. Electrical engineering is a rapidly evolving discipline based on the application of math, physics, and computation to address the needs of our networked information-age society.
Our graduates work in such areas as:
- Communications and wireless networks
- Electromagnetics, optics, remote sensing
- Signal, image, and speech processing
- Robotics and control systems
- Semiconductor materials and integrated circuits
- Nanotechnology and quantum devices
- Lasers, biomedical sensing and probing, acoustics
- Operating systems and software engineering
- Networking and information security
Average Starting Salary (Bachelor’s Degree) – $69,342
Sample Careers & Companies
- Project Engineer (Digital Energy, GE Energy)
- System Verification Engineer (Bio-Rad Laboratories)
- Design Engineer (Microsoft)
- Incubation Sourcing Manager (Microsoft)
- Flow Meter Marketing (Smart Grid, Texas Instruments)
- Systems Engineer (Bombardier Transportation)
- Technology Analyst (Goldman Sachs)
Sample Courses
- ECE 110, Introduction to ECE
- ECE 120, Introduction to Computing
- ECE 210, Analog Signal Processing
- ECE 310, Digital Signal Processing
- ECE 313, Probability with Engineering Applications
- ECE 329, Fields and Waves I
- ECE 330, Power Circuits and Electromechanics
- ECE 333, Green Electric Energy
- ECE 340, Semiconductor Devices
- ECE 342, Electronic Circuits
- ECE 391, Computer Systems Engineering