ECE Advising Office
The ECE Advising Office is available to assist students with any questions relating to academics, policies, future planning, opportunities and more! Academic advisors are the first point of contact of contact for students as they are experts on the ECE curriculum, departmental policies, and the available academic and well-being resources.
Ways to Connect
Schedule an Advising Appointment
To schedule a 30-minute academic advising appointment, please use our online scheduler.
- Select "ECE Advising" from the drop-down calendar menu
- Indicate your Appointment Reason
- Indicate your Appointment Location (in-person or Zoom)
- In person appointments are located at ECEB 2120
- Zoom meeting information will be emailed
Office Hours
No appointment is needed for office hours, where we help answer quick questions. Please visit us during our walk-in/virtual office hours, updated weekly on CampusWire.
All ECE students are encouraged to join our CampusWire platform to see important announcements, advice from fellow ECE peers, employer visits, research/job opportunities and more. To gain group access, search for "ECE Advising" and enter the code "4177."
Connect with an Advisor
Undergraduate students should contact advisors with questions. Graduate students should connect with appropriate graduate staff.
Advising Tips and Information
Find your path through a bachelor’s degree in Electrical or Computer Engineering.
Course Registration & Information
- AP Credit Tables
- Humanities, Social Sciences, and Liberal Education Requirements
- Restrictions on Free Electives
- Grade Replacement
- Credit/No-Credit (Pass/Fail) option (see below for forms)
- Course Prerequisites
- ECE 445: Ways of receiving credit
- Subdiscipline elective advice -- EE and CompE
- Departmentally approved list of technical electives
Rules and Regulations
Undergraduate Forms
- Faculty Mentor Preference Form
- Forms for Individual Study (ECE 297/397), Senior Thesis (ECE 496+499), and Undergraduates taking 500 level Graduate Courses
- Meeting Planner - must be submitted online from My.ECE before meeting your faculty mentor in the Spring and Fall. If necessary, you may print a copy.
- Credit-No Credit Form Obtain adviser approval within the first eight weeks of instruction (first four weeks of the summer session). This option form cannot be submitted during the advanced enrollment period. The credit/no credit option can be dropped during the same time period, using the same form and procedure.
- Petition for Readmission - Contact the College of Engineering: Academic Affairs Office (206 Engineering Hall, 333-2280) to request form, or contact through the College Advising web page.
Undergrad Advisors
Graduate Advisors
Advising Contacts
ECE Office of Student Affairs
2120 ECE Building
Hours: Weekdays 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
PH: (217) 333-0716
FAX: (217) 333-8582