Independent Study Funding
Funding of up to $500 is available for undergraduate students taking Independent Study courses in order to defray project expenses. These funds have been generously provided by the ECE Alumni Fund.
Qualifying courses: ECE 297, ECE 396, ECE 397, ECE 496, ECE 499
Qualifying expenses: The funds may be used for materials and supplies, equipment, computer software, etc. Funds may not be used for salaries or wages. Purchases may be made through the ECE Business Office, ECE Stores or reimbursement of personal funds with proper documentation. More information will be provided upon approval.
Process for Funding Requests:
- Fill out the Undergraduate Independent Study Funding Request Form – a brief project description and detailed itemization of the items and costs needed for the project will be necessary for approval.
- Get instructor signature for approval.
- Turn in form to Alexander Romo in 2120 ECE Building.
- Final approval from the Associate Head for Administrative and Instructional Affairs (2120 ECE Building) and instructions for requisitions and purchases will be sent to the student within two weeks.
Questions may be directed to Alexander Romo via email at