Communication systems

Today's informationage is supported by the twin pillars of the Internet and wireless networks, twoprototypical examples of communication systems. Communication, in the broadestsense, is the transfer of information in space and time, from someone whopossesses it to someone who does not.  Nowadays, communication is almostuniversally in digital format. The key physical resources used are bandwidth,power, and storage space, and the goal is to transfer the information asreliably and securely as possible, using as little of the resources as possible.

A deep mathematical understanding of the trade-offs involved in efficient reliable communication has had a significant impact on the design and engineering of communication systems for more than a century, in applications as diverse as basic wireline voice telephone networks, satellite and deep-space communications, terrestrial cellular networks, and data storage systems. The related technical skills, such as dealing with randomness and complexity, often translate to applications beyond communication systems. Indeed, students specializing in communication are widely sought after even in industries seemingly far removed, such as those on Wall Street, and those developing new computational systems and Internet applications.

Recommended Courses for Students with Primary Interests in Other Areas

ECE 461 and ECE 459 are the first courses in communication systemsand ECE 438 is the first course in communication networks. ECE 461 is typicallyoffered in the Spring semester and addresses the fundamental principles ofdigital communications. ECE 459 is typically offered in the Fall semester andaddresses the analog underpinnings of digital and analog communications. ECE 438 isusually offered every semester. Also, COMM462 and COMM 468, which discuss management, legal, and policy issues in large-scaletelecommunication systems, and which are on the list of College of EngineeringApproved Social Science Electives, may be of interest.

Recommended Courses for Students with Primary Interests in Communication Systems

All students with primary interests in communication systems are advised totake three courses as follows:

  • ECE 313 (Probability with Engineering Applications)
  • ECE 461 (Digital Communications) or ECE 459 (Communication Systems)
  • ECE 453 (Radio Communication Circuits) or ECE 463 (Digital Communications Lab)

It is recommended that ECE 313 be taken as earlyas possible (preferably no later than the first semester of the junior year) sothat the other courses can be completed before graduation. Many other courses are relevant to a career in communication systems, and,depending on the student's interests, a variety of selections can be made to satisfythe curricular requirements. In addition to the courses above, some suggestions for electives are given below,organized by subspecialties .

Taking the above courses satisfies the Elective ECE Laboratory Requirement and mostof the ECE Technical Electives Requirement for Electrical Engineering majors,as well as most of the ECE/CS Technical Elective Requirement for ComputerEngineering majors. In planning programs of studies, keep in mind that some of the courses listedabove are offered only once each year.

Students planning on graduate studies should consider taking the more advanced course MATH 416 in place of MATH 415, as well as either MATH 444 or MATH 447. Occasionally, some undergraduates take a graduate-level course such as ECE 534 (Random Processes), ECE 562 (Advanced Digital Communication) or ECE 563 (Information Theory).

COMM462 and COMM 468 which discuss management, legal, and policy issues in large-scaletelecommunication systems and which are also on the College of Engineering listof Approved Social Science Electives, may be of interest.

Core Faculty In This Area

Associate Professor
Assistant Professor, Statistics
Professor Emeritus
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Associate Professor
Gilmore Family Endowed Professor Emeritus