Graduate Admissions
Explore your electrical and computer engineering graduate degree options at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, home to the inventors of the transistor, LED and MRI. Here at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), our resources, faculty, research facilities and student support are unparalleled.
Find information about M.S., M. Eng., Ph.D. degrees, and even online degree options, and make the best choice for your continued education and career. Pursue a degree with ECE.
top ranked Computer Engineering program
top ranked Electrical Engineering program
Ph.D. students who receive funding
expert faculty
best online M. Eng. in Electrical Engineering
Nobel Prize winners
Why ECE at Illinois
Find all the support you'll need for a lifetime of success at ECE. Our graduates:
- Are faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Georgia Institute of Technology, Vanderbilt University and more.
- Lead groups in Meta Reality Labs, Microsoft Research and IBM.
- Work at Google AI, Apple, Tesla, Samsung AI, Amazon Lab126, NASA and more.
And now, GRE scores are no longer required for graduate applications!
Plan Your Visit
Come see all our Urbana-Champaign campus has to offer, including the ECE Building.