The following buildings house ECE classrooms, faculty offices, research groups, laboratories, or other resources.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Building
The ECE Building is designed to be the largest net-zero energy building of its kind. It is the home of the ECE administrative and advising offices, instructional labs, and several research groups.
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
Beckman houses many ECE faculty offices and labs. Beckman's interdisciplinary research focuses on biological intelligence, human-computer intelligent interaction, and molecular and electronic nanostructures.
Coordinated Science Laboratory (CSL)
CSL is home to numerous ECE faculty offices and labs and has a proud 50-year tradition of interdisciplinary research focusing on VLSI, communications and control, signal processing, computer architecture and networks, space science, and remote sensing.
Digital Computer Laboratory (DCL)
DCL is home to Engineering Career Services.
Engineering Hall is home to the Grainger College of Engineering. The building houses College administrators, classes, and conference rooms.
Everitt Lab, the former home of Illinois ECE, houses the Fab Lab clean room where students learn about fabricating integrated circuits. It will soon be renovated and will become the home of the Bioengineering Department.
Located on the Bardeen Engineering Quad, Grainger is one of the largest and most sophisticated engineering libraries in the world.
Laboratory for Optical Physics and Engineering
The Laboratory has a distinguished history of developing new sources of coherent radiation and demonstrating novel laser spectroscopic techniques.
Holonyak Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory
The Holonyak Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory is one of the nation’s largest and most sophisticated university-based facilities for semiconductor, nanotechnology, and biotechnology research.
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
NCSA is the home of Telnet and the first graphical Web browser.
Research Park at the University of Illinois
Research Park is home to industry leaders like Motorola, Caterpillar, and Science Applications International. It also houses the University’s business incubator.
Opened in 2004, this state-of-the art building is home to the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science.