Social Sciences, Humanities, and Gen Ed Requirements
12 Hrs of Social Sciences and Humanities:
All ECE students need to take 18 hrs of Social Sciences and Humanities courses distributed as:
- 6 hours of Social and Behavioral Science electives (called Campus SS)
- 6 hours of Humanities and the Arts electives (called Campus Humanities)
These 12 hours can also be used to satisfy the additional Campus Gen Ed Requirements described next (see Helpful Hints below).
Additional Gen Ed Requirements:
- 1 Advanced Composition course
- Cultural Studies:
- 1 Non-Western Culture course
- 1 Western/Comparative Culture course
- 1 US Minority course (new for students entering Fall 2018 and later)
- Language:
- Three years of a single foreign language studied in high school will meet this requirement.
- Alternatively, you need to take a third-semester level foreign language course in college.
- College language courses may be counted for Liberal Arts Electives.
- Go to 206 Engr. Hall to have your language credit verified.
Gen Ed courses (including Campus SS and Humanities) MUST be taken for a letter grade.
Helpful hints:
- Make your electives count twice (or even three times!) Example: History 140 counts as Campus Humanities, other SSH, Western Culture, and Advanced Composition --- see example checklists.
- If you think you should have Gen Ed credit and don't, see the Deans in 206 Engineering Hall.
- Many Illinois community colleges have courses that will satisfy Campus Gen Ed credit.
The remaining elements of Campus Gen Ed Requirements are fulfilled in ECE as follows:
- Composition I: Rhet 105 (alternatively Rhet 101+2; Com111+112; ESL 111+112; ESL 115) --- this is a required course in the freshman year. See .
- Natural Sciences and Technology and Quantitative Reasoning: Your required technical courses meet these requirements many times over.
Undergrad Advisors
Graduate Advisors
Advising Contacts
ECE Office of Student Affairs
2120 ECE Building
Hours: Weekdays 8am-12pm, 1-5pm
PH: (217) 333-0716
FAX: (217) 333-8582