ECE 200

ECE 200 - Seminar

Spring 2024

SeminarECE200SH32482LEC01700 - 1750 W  1002 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Erhan Kudeki

Official Description

Discussions of educational programs, career opportunities, and other topics in electrical and computer engineering. Course Information: Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated. For Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering majors only.

Subject Area

  • Core Curriculum

Course Director



Discussions of educational programs, career opportunities, and other topics in electrical and computer engineering For ECE students.


This seminar course is required once per year for James Scholars.

Detailed Description and Outline


This seminar course is required once per year for James Scholars.

Course Goals

This course is a zero credit hour seminar devoted to topics of interest to an ECE undergraduate. The course is required of James Scholar students once per year. The course coexists with ECE Explorations, the ECE undergraduate seminar series. We encourage all ECE students to come to as many lectures as they are able, regardless of whether they have enrolled in the course. The course lasts for approximately 12 weeks. Most weeks refreshments are served afterwards.

The intellectual goals of the course are to introduce ECE students to the major areas of electrical engineering and computer engineering through seminars by faculty (approximately 50% of the talks) and industry (50%). The topics vary widely across the many areas of intellectual and commercial interest related to Electrical and Computer Engineering. The advising goals of the course are to give students an opportunity to whet their curiosity, to help them choose upperclass electives, and to give them a basis upon which to pursue a career.

Instructional Objectives

The spirit of the course meets ABET outcomes goals (3): ability to communicate effectively -- these talks are all about practicing engineers reaching out engineering undergraduates who are in the process of making important educational and career decisions; (4): professional and ethical responsibility -- many lectures emphasize and exemplify such issues and concerns; broad education to understand the impact of engineering -- lecturers usually emphasize applications, opportunities, and social implications; knowledge of contemporary issues -- e.g., the changing applications and business environment for ECE related products and ideas); and (7): lifelong learning -- a constant theme of speakers.

Last updated
