ECE 496

ECE 496 - Senior Research Project

Spring 2024

Senior Research ProjectECE496&SB56691IND2 -    Subhonmesh Bose
Senior Research ProjectECE496058387IND2 -    
Senior Research ProjectECE496AB57790IND2 -    Arijit Banerjee
Senior Research ProjectECE496AC56687IND2 -    Andreas C Cangellaris
Senior Research ProjectECE496ACB58290IND2 -    Ann Catrina Coleman
Senior Research ProjectECE496ACS56758IND2 -    Andrew Singer
Senior Research ProjectECE496ADG56702IND2 -    Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia
Senior Research ProjectECE496AGS56683IND2 -     Alexander Schwing
Senior Research ProjectECE496AH75152IND2 -    Aiguo Han
Senior Research ProjectECE496ALV56740IND2 -    Juan Alvarez
Senior Research ProjectECE496AM65421IND2 -    Andrew Miller
Senior Research ProjectECE496BH56709IND2 -    Bruce Hajek
Senior Research ProjectECE496BR63069IND2 -    Rohit Bhargava
Senior Research ProjectECE496BTC56695IND2 -    Brian T Cunningham
Senior Research ProjectECE496BW56766IND2 -    Benjamin W Wah
Senior Research ProjectECE496CB62087IND2 -    Can Bayram
Senior Research ProjectECE496DC56690IND2 -    Deming Chen
Senior Research ProjectECE496DF66326IND2 -     David Forsyth
Senior Research ProjectECE496DJ56719IND2 -    Douglas L Jones
Senior Research ProjectECE496DK66407IND2 -    Derek W Hoiem
Senior Research ProjectECE496DL56730IND2 -    Daniel M Liberzon
Senior Research ProjectECE496DMN56744IND2 -     David M. Nicol
Senior Research ProjectECE496DR66354IND2 -    Dan Roth
Senior Research ProjectECE496DW56768IND2 -    Daniel M Wasserman
Senior Research ProjectECE496EH56723IND2 -    Erhan Kudeki
Senior Research ProjectECE496ER56753IND2 -    Elyse Rosenbaum
Senior Research ProjectECE496FK56720IND2 -    Farzad Kamalabadi
Senior Research ProjectECE496GAO65431IND2 -    Liang Gao
Senior Research ProjectECE496GC58411IND2 -    Girish Chowdhary
Senior Research ProjectECE496GD56713IND2 -    Geir Dullerud
Senior Research ProjectECE496GG56708IND2 -    George Gross
Senior Research ProjectECE496GLL56731IND2 -    Gang Logan Liu
Senior Research ProjectECE496GP56751IND2 -    
Senior Research ProjectECE496IG63085IND2 -    Indranil Gupta
Senior Research ProjectECE496IOA65448IND2 -    Idoia Ochoa
Senior Research ProjectECE496IR56738IND2 -    Raluca Ilie
Senior Research ProjectECE496IS70975IND2 -    Ilan Shomorony
Senior Research ProjectECE496JA56679IND2 -    Jont Allen
Senior Research ProjectECE496JB56682IND2 -     Jennifer Bernhard
Senior Research ProjectECE496JD58292IND2 -     John Dallesasse
Senior Research ProjectECE496JGE56703IND2 -    J. Gary Eden
Senior Research ProjectECE496JJ56718IND2 -    Jianming Jin
Senior Research ProjectECE496JJM56739IND2 -    Jonathan Makela
Senior Research ProjectECE496JPL56726IND2 -    Jean-Pierre Leburton
Senior Research ProjectECE496JSA56756IND2 -    Jose E Schutt-Aine
Senior Research ProjectECE496JT56761IND2 -    John R Tucker
Senior Research ProjectECE496JWL56737IND2 -    Joseph W Lyding
Senior Research ProjectECE496JZ66139IND2 -    Jin Zhou
Senior Research ProjectECE496KC56692IND2 -    Kent D Choquette
Senior Research ProjectECE496KDC56696IND2 -     Katie Driggs-Campbell
Senior Research ProjectECE496KH71134IND2 -    Kiruba Sivasubramaniam Haran
Senior Research ProjectECE496KJ56717IND2 -    Kanti Jain
Senior Research ProjectECE496KK56721IND2 -    Kyekyoon Kim
Senior Research ProjectECE496KN70973IND2 -    Klara Nahrstedt
Senior Research ProjectECE496LH66121IND2 -    Lippold Haken
Senior Research ProjectECE496LLG56707IND2 -    Lynford L Goddard
Senior Research ProjectECE496LS63070IND2 -     Lui Sha
Senior Research ProjectECE496LV56694IND2 -    Lav Varshney
Senior Research ProjectECE496LW62084IND2 -    Lara Waldrop
Senior Research ProjectECE496MC71182IND2 -     Matthew Caesar
Senior Research ProjectECE496MD56701IND2 -    Minh N Do
Senior Research ProjectECE496MDW56767IND2 -    Martin D F Wong
Senior Research ProjectECE496MF56704IND2 -    Milton Feng
Senior Research ProjectECE496MG56706IND2 -    Matthew Gilbert
Senior Research ProjectECE496MHJ56710IND2 -     Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
Senior Research ProjectECE496MJT69999IND2 -    Matus Jan Telgarsky
Senior Research ProjectECE496MLO56746IND2 -    Michael L Oelze
Senior Research ProjectECE496MTB56680IND2 -    Tamer Basar
Senior Research ProjectECE496NA56678IND2 -    Narendra Ahuja
Senior Research ProjectECE496NB56685IND2 -    Nikita Borisov
Senior Research ProjectECE496NK75433IND2 -    Nickvash Kani
Senior Research ProjectECE496NS56757IND2 -    Naresh R Shanbhag
Senior Research ProjectECE496NV56762IND2 -    Nitin H Vaidya
Senior Research ProjectECE496OM56741IND2 -    Olgica Milenkovic
Senior Research ProjectECE496OOK56722IND2 -    Sanmi Koyejo
Senior Research ProjectECE496P-S56759IND2 -    Paris Smaragdis
Senior Research ProjectECE496PC56749IND2 -    Constantine Polychronopoulos
Senior Research ProjectECE496PD57789IND2 -    Peter D Dragic
Senior Research ProjectECE496PK56734IND2 -    Paul G Kwiat
Senior Research ProjectECE496PKH56693IND2 -    Pavan Kumar Hanumolu
Senior Research ProjectECE496PM56743IND2 -    Pierre Moulin
Senior Research ProjectECE496PRK56724IND2 -    Panganamala R Kumar
Senior Research ProjectECE496PS56755IND2 -    
Senior Research ProjectECE496PSC56688IND2 -     P. Scott Carney
Senior Research ProjectECE496PV56765IND2 -    Pramod Viswanath
Senior Research ProjectECE496RB56681IND2 -    Rashid Bashir
Senior Research ProjectECE496RK56725IND2 -    Rakesh Kumar
Senior Research ProjectECE496RKI56716IND2 -    Ravishankar K Iyer
Senior Research ProjectECE496RM58286IND2 -    Maxim Raginsky
Senior Research ProjectECE496RPP58285IND2 -    Robert Pilawa-Podgurski
Senior Research ProjectECE496RRC56750IND2 -    Romit Roy Choudhury
Senior Research ProjectECE496RS56760IND2 -    Rayadurgam Srikant
Senior Research ProjectECE496RZ71163IND2 -    Richard Y. Zhang
Senior Research ProjectECE496SA71157IND2 -    Sarita V Adve
Senior Research ProjectECE496SB56684IND2 -    Stephen Boppart
Senior Research ProjectECE496SF56705IND2 -    Steven J Franke
Senior Research ProjectECE496SG56677IND2 -    Songbin Gong
Senior Research ProjectECE496SG256712IND2 -    Saurabh Gupta
Senior Research ProjectECE496SJP56748IND2 -    Sanjay Patel
Senior Research ProjectECE496SL56727IND2 -    Stephen E Levinson
Senior Research ProjectECE496SM56742IND2 -    Sayan Mitra
Senior Research ProjectECE496SP58369IND2 -    Sung-Jin Park
Senior Research ProjectECE496SSL56736IND2 -     Steven Lumetta
Senior Research ProjectECE496SV56763IND2 -    Shobha Vasudevan
Senior Research ProjectECE496SW65446IND2 -    Shenlong Wang
Senior Research ProjectECE496TA63100IND2 -    Tarek Abdelzaher
Senior Research ProjectECE496TM62088IND2 -    Thomas Moon
Senior Research ProjectECE496TWB63142IND2 -    Timothy Bretl
Senior Research ProjectECE496UR56752IND2 -    Umberto Ravaioli
Senior Research ProjectECE496VG65420IND2 -    Viktor Gruev
Senior Research ProjectECE496VK60995IND2 -    Volodymyr Kindratenko
Senior Research ProjectECE496VS75462IND2 -     Victoria Shao
Senior Research ProjectECE496VVV56764IND2 -    Venugopal V. Veeravalli
Senior Research ProjectECE496WDO56745IND2 -    Bill O'Brien, Jr.
Senior Research ProjectECE496WHS56754IND2 -    William H Sanders
Senior Research ProjectECE496WMH56715IND2 -    Wen-mei Hwu
Senior Research ProjectECE496WZ62081IND2 -    Wenjuan Zhu
Senior Research ProjectECE496XG56747IND2 -    Grace Xingxin Gao
Senior Research ProjectECE496XL56728IND2 -    Xiuling Li
Senior Research ProjectECE496YB56686IND2 -    Yoram Bresler
Senior Research ProjectECE496YCH56711IND2 -    Yih-Chun Hu
Senior Research ProjectECE496YJB58351IND2 -    Yuliy Baryshnikov
Senior Research ProjectECE496YL56735IND2 -    Yi Lu
Senior Research ProjectECE496YW59730IND2 -    Yihong Wu
Senior Research ProjectECE496ZC71128IND2 -    Zuofu Cheng
Senior Research ProjectECE496ZJU75454IND2 -    Pavan Kumar Hanumolu
Senior Research ProjectECE496ZK61369IND2 -    Zbigniew T Kalbarczyk
Senior Research ProjectECE496ZPL56729IND2 -    Zhi-Pei Liang
Senior Research ProjectECE496ZZ65424IND2 -    Zhizhen Jane Zhao

Official Description

Individual research project under the guidance of a faculty member: for example, mathematical analysis, laboratory experiments, computer simulations, software development, circuit design, or device fabrication. Preparation of a written research proposal, including preliminary results. Course Information: 2 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated. ECE 496 and ECE 499 taken in sequence fulfill the Advanced Composition Requirement. Prerequisite: RHET 105; consent of instructor. Class Schedule Information: This course is intended for Honors students and Chancellor Scholars. ECE 496 and ECE 499 are approved for General Education credit only as a sequence. Both courses must be completed to receive Advanced Composition credit.

Subject Area

  • Undergraduate Project, Seminar, and Thesis

Course Director


Individual research project under the guidance of a faculty member: for example, mathematical analysis, laboratory experiments, computer simulations, software development, circuit design, or device fabrication. Preparation of a written research proposal, which includes preliminary results.


The grade for ECE 496 will be assigned upon completion of ECE 499. No graduate credit for this course.

Detailed Description and Outline

The grade for ECE 496 will be assigned upon completion of ECE 499. No graduate credit for this course.

Course Goals

ECE 496 is the first course of a two course sequence of Senior Project + Senior Thesis (ECE 499) taken by high-achieving EE and CE majors as an alternative to ECE 445 - Senior Design.

The purpose of ECE 496 is to begin and substantially complete an individual research project, under the supervision of a faculty advisor and in collaboration with research group members, that contributes significantly to the field of electrical and computer engineering. Since this is a capstone course (in tandem with ECE 499, Senior Thesis) bringing to bear all the skills and knowledge gained in the student's undergraduate career, it satisfies all the Student Outcomes 1-7 specified by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET):

ABET Programs Outcomes and Assessment. ECE 496 and 499 address the following:

1. Principles: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics (1)

This is an important attribute of successful senior thesis projects undertaken in ECE496 and ECE 499. Senior theses developed under ECE 496/499 span the full breadth of EE and CE disciplines and focus on research problems closely related to the research activities of ECE faculty who advise the students taking ECE 496/499. Projects include varying mixes of modeling studies and simulations, laboratory work and/or device fabrication, and analyses of laboratory and/or simulation data using state-of-the-art methodologies and tools.

2. Design: an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors (2)

The major focus of the senior project is to have the student explore complex problems in branches of electrical and computer engineering and provide innovative solutions that require consideration of realistic constraints and engineering standards and build upon knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work. Both laboratory work and measurements undertaken as a part of senior thesis projects, as well as associated modeling and simulation work and coding, involve the use of and comparisons of competing techniques and approaches, and the identification of best fitting solutions for problems under study.

3. Communication: an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences (3)

ECE 496 students complete three progress reports in weeks 9, 12, and 15, while ECE 499 students complete two additional progress reports before submitting a thesis at the end of the semester. The thesis draft completed by week 14 is checked by ECE Editorial Services for grammar, style, and format, and students make their final submission by week 16. Students present their research at the Undergraduate Research Symposium in the final weeks of the semester. ECE 496/499 meets the campus Advanced Composition (Comp II) requirement.

4. Professionalism: an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts (4)

Teamwork and professionalism are natural components of ECE 496/499 as the students interact with graduate students in research groups of faculty advisors who oversee the Senior Thesis projects. Group meetings attended by the students expose them to the dynamics of advanced engineering research environments where many issues related to ethics and professionalism come up.

5. Teamwork: an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives (5)

Again, students taking ECE 496/499 work within the research group environment of the advising faculty and work very closely with graduate students who guide them through their projects.

6. Analysis: an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions (6)

Analysis of complex engineering problems is an essential aspect of all ECE 496/499 thesis projects. This includes problem analysis prior to proposing solutions and designs to address the main thesis questions as well as the analysis of data and measurements used in testing the proposed designs and solutions.

7. Learning: an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies (7)

ECE 496/499 projects provide an opportunity for the students to learn advanced research concepts and tools which build upon the knowledge acquired in earlier courses taken in related areas of ECE. Beyond the application of knowledge acquired in courses, the Senior Thesis requires a student to acquire and apply new knowledge in their chosen research area, as needed, using appropriate learning strategies. The job of a thesis advisor includes the task of guiding a student in the search for new knowledge in the research literature, and in the learning and application of the knowledge necessary for completion of the Senior Thesis. Additionally, the student appreciates the role research in the production of new knowledge.

Instructional Objectives

By the time the student submits the topic proposal (week 3) they should:

  • Understand the adviser's research group and where the project fits within it (3,4,5,7)
  • Be able to offer a coherent idea of the need for and motivation behind the project (1,3,4,5,7)
  • Be able to roughly outline a realistic timeline for the project including necessary contributors and facilities (1,2,3,4,5,7)

By the time the student conducts the literature search (week 6) they should:

  • Have strong command of the need for and motivation behind the project (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
  • Be thoroughly conversant in the published literature impinging on the project (1,3,4,7)
  • Have an enhanced appreciation for research ethics and for good scholarly habits such as writing well, presenting data effectively, and using sources properly (3,4,7)

By the time the student completes the three progress reports required in weeks 9, 12, and 15 they should have:

  • Completely or substantially finished the research work (1,2,4,5,7)
  • Effectively reported results, challenges, and future work to adviser and other research group members (3,4,5)
  • Clarified for themselves and others the significance of the project and its results such that the senior thesis (ECE 499) is ready to be written (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
  • Developed both their technical/scientific and their scholarly/writing skills to a high level (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

Last updated
