Constantine Polychronopoulos
- Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Illinois August 1986
Research Interests
- Parallelizing/optimizing compilers for multithreaded architectures, program restructuring and optimization; code generation and optimization for superscalar processors; parallel programming languages; environments for parallel programming; partitioning, scheduling, and run-time environments for parallel computers; multiprocessor operating systems with multithreading support; parallel computer architectures; performance evaluation of parallel architectures.
Research Areas
- Cloud computing
- Compilers
- Computer networking
- Distributed algorithms
- Distributed and peer-to-peer systems
- Machine learning
- Networking and distributed computing
- Operating systems
- Parallel processing
- Wireless communication systems
- Elected Pascal Chair Professor at the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, University of Lieden, The Netherlands, February 2000. One Pascal Chair Professorship is awarded annually by the College to a faculty member whose research has had international acceptance.
- 1998 Bodossaki Foundation Award in Engineering. The BFA is awarded annually by the President of the Republic of Greece and the Bodossaki Foundation to four researchers in the fields of Medicine, Economics, Mathematical/Physical Sciences, and Engineering "for research work of exceptional impact on the advancement of each field and its applications to our world."
- NSF Presidential Young Investigator's Award 1989-1994
- Elected to Board of Directors of ACM-SIGARCH, 1991-93
- Fulbright Scholar, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, 1981-82.
Teaching Honors
- Andersen/COE Outstanding Advisor Award, 1999
- Andersen/COE Outstanding Advisor Award, 1997
- Fulbright Scholar, 6/81-7/82, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
Research Honors
- Pascal Chaired Professor, University of Leiden, February 2000
- Bodossaki Foundation Award, 1998
- NSF Presidential Young Investigator's Award 1989-1994
- Elected on the Board of Directors of ACM-SIGARCH 1991-1993
Public Service Honors
- ACM Recognition for outstanding services to ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH), 1999.
- ACM Recognition for outstanding services to ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH), 1993.
- Has served on numerous program committees, NSF, DARPA, ACM, IEEE committees and panels.