Research Opportunities with ECE faculty
Gaurav Bahl
Our group is seeking talented undergraduate researchers for summer 2015 positions, with the potential for continued work into the school year. Students with strong backgrounds in the following topics are encouraged to apply -- electromagnetics, RF and microwave circuits, photonics, and microfabrication. Interested students should contact Prof. Bahl ( with a complete CV, accompanied by a short paragraph highlighting relevant experience and coursework. Please see our group website ( for representative work. Women and students from minority backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Rashid Bashir
- We are looking for undergraduate students interested in integrating Nanotechnology with Biotechnology for diagnostics, therapeutics, and tissue engineering.
Can Bayram
- Our group invites highly motivated undergraduates, currently enrolled at our University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, to join our research team. Particularly, students who wish to have experience in semiconductor devices and who are passionate about creating next generation photonic and micro/nano-electronic devices are welcomed. Please contact Prof. Can Bayram directly via email (and attach your CV and unofficial transcript showing your courses) to inquire about any position/project openings.
Jennifer Bernhard
- Students with an interest in applied electromagnetics, including antennas and high frequency circuits, are encouraged to contact me via e-mail. The background required for an undergraduate research position in my lab includes good performance in ECE 329 and ECE 450, with other advanced EM courses always a plus. For first- and second-year students who haven't taken these courses yet, opportunities may exist from semester to semester to help with the research projects of advanced undergraduates or graduate students, but at a more basic level.
Stephen Boppart
There is a long history of undergraduate research opportunities in Prof. Boppart's Biophotonics Imaging Laboratory. Over the last 25 years, over 85 undergraduate students have conducted research in Prof. Boppart’s laboratory, often leading to an undergraduate thesis. Research areas cover aspects of optical imaging and physics, signal and imaging processing, image acquisition systems, biomedical optics and biophotonics, laser and optical source development, and clinical imaging applications. Undergraduate research experiences typically extend over two or more semesters, and result in the completion of an undergraduate thesis and a departmental symposium presentation. Exceptional research has been published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at national conferences.
Andreas C. Cangellaris
- Current undergraduate research opportunities in our group involve: a) application of circuit and electromagnetic theory concepts to the understanding and quantitative assessment of electromagnetic interference effects in high-speed electronic systems and their impact on system signal integrity; b) behavioral modeling of MEMS devices.
Deming Chen
- We are looking for committed and mature undergrad researchers for the following topics: FPGA and GPU computing, machine learning and hardware acceleration, high-level and system-level synthesis, and security in IoT and smart grid.
Weng Chew
- Prof. Chew welcomes undergraduates to work in his research group.
Kent D. Choquette
- The Photonic device research group is involved in the study of semiconductor photonic and optoelectronic device physics, fabrication technologies, and systems with a strong emphasis on vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs). Photonic devices are key components for the infrastructure of the Information Age. Active devices, such as VCSELs, are the foundation for short and soon medium length optical fiber based interconnect applications. Currently there are research efforts to develop new VCSEL devices, such as composite resonator VCSELs and vertical cavity photonic integrated circuits, as well as to establish new VCSEL applications, such as 2-dimensional source and receiver arrays for high aggregate rate interconnects. Group research into new compound semiconductor processing technologies, such as selective oxidation and heterogeneous integration techniques is also pursued. Finally, the next generation of photonic devices, such as photonic crystal membrane lasers, waveguides and nanocavities, which will enable the next generation of quantum optic communication networks, as well as opto-fluidic microsystems for lab-on-the-chip sensing and health care are under under study. Undergraduate student researchers should have completed a introduction course on photonics, such as ECE304, ECE455, or ECE495 and have interest in experimental laboratory activities.
Ryan Corey
- Our team is always looking for talented undergraduate students to help develop new listening technologies. Our students conduct experiments, collect data, design prototypes, and develop embedded hardware and software. Learn more at our blog at
John Dallesasse
- The Advanced Semiconductor Device and Integration Group welcomes the participation of undergraduates in the research process through independent study projects, undergraduate thesis projects, and through information working relationships. A limited number of slots are available, but interested individuals are encouraged to contact Professor Dallesasse or one of his graduate students.
Milton Feng
- RF and Microwave Device and ICs design THz Transistor Research 50 Gb/s VCSEL and VCTL for Tb/s Optical Interconnect
Lynford L. Goddard
- 1. The Photonic Systems Laboratory is accepting applications for undergraduate students interested in completing a senior research thesis in AY 2025-2026. The student must have a solid academic record and be self-motivated, eager to test out new measurement or simulation techniques, and able to commit the time and effort during the academic year necessary to complete the thesis (usually >10 hours per week). Programming skills in LabVIEW or MATLAB, or prior research experience or coursework in Optics would be a definite plus. Interested applicants should email an updated resume to Professor Goddard. 2. The group is also looking for an undergraduate student (at any grade level) who has taken ECE 444 to perform micro and nanofabrication in MNTL. The student could assist with photolithography, etching, deposition, and/or device characterization.
Brighten Godfrey
- Contact Brighten via email or in person if you are interested in pursuing undergraduate research opportunities.
Songbin Gong
- Prof. Gong welcomes undergraduates to work in his research group.
Lippold Haken
- I encourage undergraduates that would like to do research towards designing and implementing devices to look into ECE395. The primary goal of ECE395 is to build the device; you decide on all hardware components, PCB layout, software programming, motor control or any mechanical aspects you may have, etc. If you develop novel algorithms or techniques you may optionally present your results at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, and optionally show your work at Engineering Open House.
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
- Professor Hasegawa-Johnson typically supervises one or two undergraduate research projects per year, thesis research preferred. Past student theses include automatic recognition of musical genre, factorial HMMs for the automatic recognition of speech in music backgrounds, prosody-dependent speech recognition, image source modeling of room impulse response, sonorancy classification for automatic language ID, phonetic landmark detection for automatic language ID, and digital field recorder for acquisition of a natural audio database.
Kris Hauser
- I frequently involve undergraduates in my research, both as independent study students and summer interns. My lab also participates in competitions, so I also take on students who are interested in contributing to a team effort. My minimum guidelines are that you have a 3.7 GPA, relevant coursework, and can contribute at least 10 hours per week to research.
Raluca Ilie
- Prof. Ilie welcomes motivated undergraduate students to work in her research group.
Philip T. Krein
- Each year, several undergraduate students are supported to conduct research within the Grainger Center for Electric Machinery and Electromechanics (CEME). Activities range from circuit board layout and construction to advanced research projects. Students work side by side with graduate students and faculty to carry out experimental activities in energy, electromechanics, and power electronics. CEME has one of the largest undergraduate research programs in the department. Please contact Dr. Ulas Coskun, who oversees CEME undergraduate activities.
Erhan Kudeki
- Projects in ionospheric radar signal processing for students with ECE 310, 313 and 350 background.
Rakesh Kumar
- I am always looking for motivated and exceptional undergraduate students to join my group. Email if you want to do research in computer architecture. See our research/publications pages ( for a sampling of our research. Please attach your CV as well.
Paul G. Kwiat
- I routinely have talented undergraduates working in my group. They typically begin assisting with ongoing projects before taking responsibility for their own research project. Much of the research has resulted in published papers, with the students as co-authors.
Kirill Levchenko
My lab is always looking for motivated undergrduate students interested in research in:
- Network attacks and defenses
- Cyber-physical and embedded system security analysis
- E-crime and Internet service abuse
- Network measurement
Major projects:
Xiuling Li
- Research positions available to highly motivated undergraduate students who have strong interests in semiconductor materials, processing, and devices, and firm commitment to research. Past undergraduate student researchers in professor Li's group have produced first-author papers, patents, and conference presentations. Interested students please contact Prof. Li with complete CV.
Joseph W. Lyding
- Our group regularly involves undergraduate researchers in nanotechnology projects aimed at gaining an atomic level understanding of important phenomena that govern the development of nanoelectronic devices. Current projects involve the use of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to study carbon nanotubes, graphene and bonded silicon wafers. We are also involved in controlling the growth of carbon nanotubes.
Sayan Mitra
- If you want to do an independent study/UG thesis with me then: (1) make sure that you can devote at least 7-10 hours per week, for two semesters in our lab (2) email me with your CV and describing (in 2-3 paras) one interesting thing you have done either in math, software, or hardware. (3) read something from my webpage to suggest a project and a potential grad student mentor UG thesis research typically lead to a publication.
David M. Nicol
- I have almost always had undergraduates working on my research team. I support undergraduate summer interns.
Michael L. Oelze
- Several projects are available for undergraduate research including the use of coding schemes to enhance ultrasonic imaging capabilities, devising improved measurement and calibration techniques for ultrasonic imaging, and quantifying materials using ultrasound. Students involved in these research opportunities will learn to characterize and calibrate ultrasonic sources, process data, and develop important laboratory skills.
Shaloo Rakheja
- I invite motivated undergraduate students from Electrical Engineering and Physics to reach out to me for research opportunities in the area of modeling and simulation of nanoelectronic devices, as well as the co-design and co-optimization of materials, devices, and circuits for energy-efficient computing.
Umberto Ravaioli
- Semiconductor device simulation based on Monte Carlo particle models, in particular nanoscale MOSFETs and non-volatile memories. Charge transport in biological ion channels. Cyberinfrastructure activities for research and education.
Elyse Rosenbaum
- Students who have completed some or all of ECE 441, 482 and 483 are potentially able to assist with some of our research. There may also be opportunities for students who have studied machine learning or statistical learning theory. Juniors and seniors only.
Naresh R. Shanbhag
- Research opportunities exist for the creative, enthusiastic and hardworking undergraduate in the areas of integrated circuit design, VLSI architectures for DSP and communications, and machine learning implementations.
Andrew Singer
- Underwater acoustic communications research. Augmented listening and audio signal processing research. Students with interest and some experience with robotics, machine learning, and embedded computing, are of particular interest.
Gary R. Swenson
- Three undergraduates were involved in our Research Group, in the development of new receivers for our Na wind/temperature lidar. The students were Ben Graf, Tony Mangognia, and Ben Krop. Ben Graf and Tony Mangognia are now graduate students. There contributions were outstanding as was the professional engineering problem solving experiences in working with our group. Tony is the lead TA for ECE 445 this semester.
Venugopal V. Veeravalli
- Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) grants.
Wenjuan Zhu
- We are currently recruiting undergraduate students for Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) grants. Research positions are available to highly motivated undergraduate students who have strong interests in nanoscale electronic and photonic devices and two-dimensional materials.