ECE445 emulates the day-to-day life of a practical engineering design environment, helping students bridge the gap between the classroom and industry with self-chosen team projects.
Written by Joseph Park and Julia Sullivan, ECE ILLINOIS
For many undergraduates, the ECE445: Senior Design Laboratory awards ceremony is a much-anticipated celebration. The course helps seniors bridge their knowledge from the classroom to industry with self-chosen team projects. The course emulates the day-to-day life of a practical engineering design environment, and students are guided by faculty and TAs. This fall, Professors Can Bayram, Xiaogang Chen, Arne Woolsey Fliflet, Michael L Oelze, and Karl Edward Reinhard led the course.
Several area awards were presented, along with the Michelle and Alex Bratton Senior Design Awards and the "Best Use of Texas Instruments Hardware Award" sponsored by Texas Instruments.