8/29/2018 Joseph Park, ECE ILLINOIS
Written by Joseph Park, ECE ILLINOIS
ECE ILLINOIS nine additions to the faculty with the onset of the 2018-2019 academic year. The group includes four tenure-track and five teaching faculty members.
He has already amassed a record of fourteen publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings and three conference abstracts. Chen is also an active Promoting Undergraduate Research in Engineering (PURE) mentor, with eleven students researching under his guidance since 2013.
She is the co-PI for the iELITE (Integrative Engineering Leadership Initiative for Teaching Excellence) Project and is also the TPro2 (Teaching Professional Program) Representative for the College of Engineering, planning professional development and networking events for teaching faculty. She serves as the Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering (WECE) faculty advisor and has been a camp instructor for GLEE (Girls Learning Electrical Engineering) Camp.
He served as the Head Teaching Assistant of the Advanced Digital Systems Laboratory from 2007 to 2014. In 2014, Cheng joined the ECE ILLINOIS faculty as a lecturer and became the Director of Hardware Engineering at Inspirit IoT in 2016. In 2017, he was the first place winner of the International Hardware Design Contest 2017 (DAC-IOT).
Chitambar has authored 30 articles in top journals and has presented over 10 conference papers and more than 20 invited talks. His work earned him the prestigious NSF CAREER award in 2014.
He earned a bachelor's degree and master's degree in physics from Shandong University and the University of Arizona, respectively. He earned a second master's degree from University of Arizona and a doctorate from Yale University, both in electrical engineering, in 1999 and 2005. He is listed on four U.S. patents and has published 14 papers in journals and conference proceedings.
He received the B.Sc. in theoretical and applied mechanics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2008 and a master's degree in computational mechanics from Carnegie Mellon University in 2010. He earned his PhD in aerospace engineering and mechanics at the University of Minnesota in 2016. Now at Illinois, he is affiliated with the Coordinated Science Laboratory.
His research interests lie in the intersection of applied probability, machine learning, stochastic systems and control, information theory, system identification, and signal processing. He has published 40 papers in journals and conference proceedings
His publication record includes more than 40 papers in conference proceedings including ACM Symposium on SDN Research, Financial Cryptography and Data Security Conference, ACM Internet Measurement Conference, and IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. At Illinois, he conducts research at the Coordinated Science Lab.
Shomorony received his bachelor's degree in mathematics and electrical and computer engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 2009 where he was awarded the Provost’s MQP Award (Best Senior Thesis Award). He earned his PhD in electrical and computer engineering from Cornell University in 2014 through the Olin Graduate Fellowship. He has published seven journal papers and fourteen conference papers, and he has been granted one U.S. patent.