Xin Jin

Xin Jin

Degree: BS Computer Engineering 

Minor(s) or Certificates:  

Scholarships/Achievements:  ECE Alumni Scholarship

Student organizations/extracurricular activities:  Alchemy Technology Foundry

What's next for you after graduation?  Pursuing a master's degree in MSCS at Illinois.

Favorite memory from your time in ECE:  Staying up late with friends to get the ECE 391 MP done.

Favorite ECE class: ECE 225, good old times when we could still understand the lecture.

Future plans?  Keep alive

Special mention/thanks:  I would like to thank Professors Sanjay Jeram Patel and Matthew Chapman Caesar for their guidance, and not to mention my parents and my girlfriend and my friends for their support and companionship. 

Advice for future Illinois ECE students:  Try to get the most out of 4 years of your lives at UIUC. 4 years sound like a long time, but it really flicks away so fast like a blink of your eye.