Alex Sirakides

Alex Sirakides

Degree:  BS Electrical Engineering

Minor:  French

What's next for you after graduation?  Working full-time at Honeywell.

Favorite memory from your time in ECE:  Demoing our senior design project. It was really cool to see all of our hard work and planning materialize. It was also a moment where I felt like I really had learned so so much in my time at UIUC. 

Favorite ECE class:  ECE 444. The fabrication process was super cool and my TA was fantastic. Loved this class.   

Future plans?  Ideally pick up an MBA at some point and move into product management. I think this may be a really good medium term goal. 

Special mention/thanks:  It really has to be my parents. They gave me the space to grow in college but were never so far out of reach that I couldn't get their help / advice when I needed it. They were hugely impactful in my turnaround at school. 

Advice for future Illinois ECE students:   Ask questions about everything. Maybe you're annoying someone but it doesn't really matter. Most of the TAs and professors are really happy to help and you won't know if you don't ask. This applies to homework help, finding research opportunities, internships, everything. Just ask questions.