ECE Professor Shun Lien Chuang has received the 2007 William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award from the IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society for "contributions to the development of the fundamental theories of strained quantum-well lasers and the physics of optoelectronic devices."
Written by Roxana Ryan, ECE Illinois
Shun Lien Chuang
ECE Professor Shun Lien Chuang has received the 2007 William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award from the IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society for “contributions to the development of the fundamental theories of strained quantum-well lasers and the physics of optoelectronic devices.”
Chuang, the Robert C. MacClinchie Distinguished Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, said he was honored his research was recognized by the society. “I owe my students at Illinois. Many of them contributed to my research and teaching,” Chuang said. “I am grateful to my colleagues for their stimulation and inspiration of ideas and discussions.”
The William Streifer Achievement Award is given to recognize an exceptional single scientific contribution which has had a significant impact in the field of lasers and electro-optics. The Award is endowed by Xerox Corp and Spectra Diode Labs and consists of an honorarium of $1000 and a medal. A presentation will be made at the society’s annual meeting on October 23 in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.