Felix Leditzky
For More Information
- Diploma (~BSc+MSc) in Mathematics, University of Vienna, 2012
- Diploma (~BSc+MSc) in Physics, University of Vienna, 2013
- PhD in Mathematics, University of Cambridge, 2017
Academic Positions
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, 2021-present
- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Waterloo & Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2019-2020
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Colorado Boulder, 2016-2019
Recent Courses Taught
- MATH 257 - Linear Algebra w Computat Appl
- MATH 416 - Abstract Linear Algebra
- MATH 492 - Mapping Out Quant Channel Zoo
- MATH 492 - Optimization Quantum Info Th
- MATH 492 - Quantum Teleportation & QSD
- MATH 595 - Quantum Channels
- MATH 595 - Quantum Channels I
- MATH 595 - Quantum Channels II
- MATH 595 - Rep theoretic method