ECE 528

ECE 528 - Analysis of Nonlinear Systems

Spring 2025

Analysis of Nonlinear SystemsECE528R33986DIS41100 - 1220 T R  3020 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg  Prashant Mehta
Analysis of Nonlinear SystemsME546R33988DIS41100 - 1220 T R  3020 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg  Prashant Mehta
Analysis of Nonlinear SystemsSE520R67986DIS41100 - 1220 T R  3020 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg  Prashant Mehta

Official Description

Nonlinear dynamics, vector fields and flows, Lyapunov stability theory, regular and singular perturbations, averaging, integral manifolds, input-output and input-to-state stability, and various design applications in control systems and robotics. Course Information: Same as ME 546 and SE 520. Prerequisite: ECE 515 and MATH 444 or MATH 447.

Subject Area

  • Control Systems

Course Director


Nonlinear dynamic systems; phase plane and nonlinear phenomena; stability; invariance theory; asymptotic methods; feedback design.


Same as: ME 546; GE 520


  • Basic definitions; review of basic theory of differential equations; phase plane analysis and nonlinear phenomena
  • Stability definitions; Lyapunov's stability; region of attraction; stability of perturbed systems; input-to-state and input-output stability
  • Asymptotic methods, including averaging and singular perturbations; time scale separation.
  • Selected topics on analysis and design of feedback systems, with applications

Detailed Description and Outline


  • Basic definitions; review of basic theory of differential equations; phase plane analysis and nonlinear phenomena
  • Stability definitions; Lyapunov's stability; region of attraction; stability of perturbed systems; input-to-state and input-output stability
  • Asymptotic methods, including averaging and singular perturbations; time scale separation.
  • Selected topics on analysis and design of feedback systems, with applications

Same as: ME 546; GE 520


H.K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems Analysis, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, 1996.

Last updated
