ECE 311

ECE 311 - Digital Signal Processing Lab

Spring 2025

Digital Signal Processing LabECE311A56915LAB10900 - 1050 T  2022 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Corey Ethan Snyder
Mick Hudson Gardner
Zhi-Pei Liang
Digital Signal Processing LabECE311B56916LAB11100 - 1250 T  2022 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Corey Ethan Snyder
Mick Hudson Gardner
Zhi-Pei Liang
Digital Signal Processing LabECE311C56917LAB11300 - 1450 T  2022 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Zhi-Pei Liang
Christopher Kim
Corey Ethan Snyder
Digital Signal Processing LabECE311CSP70981OLB1 -    Corey Ethan Snyder
Digital Signal Processing LabECE311ZJ175256LEC1 -    Zhi-Pei Liang

Official Description

Companion laboratory for ECE 310. Course Information: Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 310.

Subject Area

  • Signal Processing

Course Director


Lab course associated with ECE 310.

Detailed Description and Outline

Lab course associated with ECE 310.

  • Orientation and overview of Python and DSP (2 hrs)
  • DTFT, DFT, DFT Spectral Analysis (2 hrs)

  • Windowing, Convolution, LSI systems, Difference Equations (2 hrs)

  • z-Transforms, Pole-Zero Diagrams, BIBO Stability (2 hrs)

  • Frequency Response of Discrete Time Systems (2 hrs)

  • FIR and IIR Filter Design (2 hrs)

  • DSP and image processing applications (1 hour)

Computer Usage

Students will have access to workstations running Python software, and during laboratory hours, the computer laboratory classroom will be staffed with a TA for the course.


Laboratory reports will be due for each of the laboratory assignments in the course, which are given roughly bi-weekly.

Lab Projects

Laboratory projects based on ECE310 course material will be given on a bi-weekly schedule. These will emphasize the concepts from ECE310 through real-data processing and evaluation using Python.

Lab Equipment

One 180-minute laboratory session per week.

Lab Software


Topical Prerequisites

Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 310.

ABET Category

Engineering Topics: 100%

Course Goals

To reinforce fundamentals of discrete-time linear systems and digital signal processing through computer laboratory exercises. Emphasizes design, implementation and applications.

Instructional Objectives

A student completing this course should, at a minimum, be able to:

1. Use Python to create, display, and analyze signals in the time-domain (1, 2, 6)

2. Use Python to analyze and display signals in the frequency-domain using the FFT algorithm to model the DTFT as well as for spectral analysis using the DFT (1, 2, 6)

3. Perform convolution and simulate LSI systems and difference equations (1, 2, 6)

4. Plot pole-zero diagrams for LSI systems with rational transforms, use Python to study properties of the z-transform and its relationship to stability (1, 2, 6)

5. Determine and plot the frequency response of LSI systems (1, 2, 6)

6. Design FIR and IIR filters using Python to meet specifications on their frequency response using window design, frequency sampling design, and the bilinear transformation (1, 2, 6)

7. Use Python to apply the above methods to process real data for image and signal processing applications (1, 2, 6)

8. Write lab reports as Python notebooks to document observations and insights gathered from numerical experiments in the labs. (3)

Last updated

5/15/2019by Minh N. Do