CS 233

CS 233 - Computer Architecture

Fall 2024

Computer ArchitectureCS233AL163733LCD40900 - 1050 T R  0035 Campus Instructional Facility Craig Zilles
Computer ArchitectureCS233AL272275LCD40900 - 1050 T R  0035 Campus Instructional Facility Craig Zilles
Computer ArchitectureCS233OL164513OLC40900 - 1050 T R    Craig Zilles
Computer ArchitectureCS233OL272276OLC40900 - 1050 T R    Craig Zilles

Official Description

Fundamentals of computer architecture: digital logic design, working up from the logic gate level to understand the function of a simple computer; machine-level programming to understand implementation of high-level languages; performance models of modern computer architectures to enable performance optimization of software; hardware primitives for parallelism and security. Course Information: Prerequisite: CS 125 or CS 128; CS 173 or MATH 213; credit or concurrent enrollment in CS 225.