ECE 451

ECE 451 - Advanced Microwave Measurements

Spring 2025

Adv Microwave MeasurementsECE451AB165147LAB00900 - 1150 T  5076 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Jose E Schutt-Aine
Gabriel Alexis Muniz Negron
Adv Microwave MeasurementsECE451AB265148LAB01400 - 1650 T    Jose E Schutt-Aine
Gabriel Alexis Muniz Negron
Adv Microwave MeasurementsECE451AB365149LAB00900 - 1150 R  5076 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Jose E Schutt-Aine
Yi Zhou
Adv Microwave MeasurementsECE451AB465150LAB01300 - 1550 R  5076 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Jose E Schutt-Aine
Yi Zhou
Adv Microwave MeasurementsECE451AB565151LAB01800 - 2050 T  5074 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Jose E Schutt-Aine
Yi Zhou
Adv Microwave MeasurementsECE451AL65264LEC31200 - 1250 M W F  3015 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Jose E Schutt-Aine

Official Description

Manual- and computer-controlled laboratory analysis of circuits at microwave frequencies. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: ECE 350.

Subject Area

  • Electromagnetics, Optics and Remote Sensing

Course Director


This course introduces students to the fundamentals of high-frequency measurements and the latest techniques for accuracy-enhanced microwave measurements. Automated network analyzers and high-speed wafer probe techniques are used in conjunction with state-of-the-art calibration techniques.


To have the student able to assemble, program, and utilize sophisticated automated microwave measurement systems, with an appreciation for the capabilities and the limitations of the microwave measurements and of the automated system.


  • Descriptive parameters at microwave frequencies
  • Measurement instruments and systems
  • Computer-controlled instrumentation
  • Accuracy enhancement techniques
  • Packaging and signal integrity techniques
  • High-speed probing and fixturing techniques
  • Nonlinear measurements at microwave frequencies

Detailed Description and Outline

To have the student able to assemble, program, and utilize sophisticated automated microwave measurement systems, with an appreciation for the capabilities and the limitations of the microwave measurements and of the automated system.


  • Descriptive parameters at microwave frequencies
  • Measurement instruments and systems
  • Computer-controlled instrumentation
  • Accuracy enhancement techniques
  • Packaging techniques
  • High-speed probing and fixturing techniques

Computer Usage

Error correction for accuracy-enhanced measurement is performed using Keysight-ADS and RMB on workstations. Data acquisition and network optimization are achieved through the controllers.

Lab Projects

Experiment No. 01 - Detecting RF Power - Introduction to BenchVue for Automated Measurement
Experiment No. 02 - Slotted-line Measurements
Experiment No. 03 - Automated Scalar Reflectometry
Experiment No. 04 - Network Analyzer Error Corrections
Experiment No. 05 - PNA and TDR
Experiment No. 06 - Extraction of TL Parameters
Experiment No. 07 - Probe Station Wafer Tests and Eye Diagram Analysis
Experiment No. 08 - TRL Calibration Method
Experiment No. 09 - Advanced Techniques
Experiment No. 10 - Linear Vector Network Analyzer Measurements of Amplifiers
Experiment No. 11 - Generating X-Parameters via Simulation
Experiment No. 12 - Measuring X-Parameters Using a Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzer

Lab Equipment

High-Frequency sources

Performance Network Analyzers

X-Parameter Network Analyzer

High-Frequency Probe Station

Slotted Lines

Lab Software

Keysight ADS

Ansys HFSS

Topical Prerequisites

ECE 329


M. Steer, Microwave and RF Design, 2nd Edition, SciTech Publishing, 2013.

Required, Elective, or Selected Elective

ECE 447

ECE 453

ABET Category

Engineering Science: 1 1/2 credits or 50%
Engineering Design: 1 1/2 credits or 50%

Course Goals

This course introduces senior and graduate students to the fundamentals of high-frequency measurements and the latest techniques for accuracy-enhanced automated microwave measurements. The goal of the course is to provide the special training necessary in high-frequency and high-speed measurements. Computers are used to model, control and remove parts of the systematic errors in the measuring systems.

Instructional Objectives

A. By midterm (after 13 lectures and 7 lab sessions), the students should be able to do the following:

1. Calibrate and characterize a crystal detector for square-law operation (6).

2. Perform complex impedance measurements on a slotted line by measurement of the VSWR and wave profile on the slotted line (1, 6, 7).

3. Perform swept-frequency scalar reflectometry measurements using directional couplers (6).

4. Evaluate imperfections of interconnects and transmission lines (1,6,7).

5. Use scattering parameters and flow graph techniques. Use Mason's rule to calculate transfer functions (1, 7).

6. Understand high-speed and high-frequency issues and their relevance in microwave measurements (1, 7).

7. Understand the functional blocks involved in microwave measurements such as test sets, couplers, harmonic converters and other components (6).

B. By the time of the Final Exam (after 26 lectures and 14 lab sessions), the students should be able to do all of the items listed under A, plus the following:

8. Perform manual measurements on a scalar network analyzer and complex measurements on a vector voltmeter (6, 7).

9. Perform manual magnitude and phase measurements on a vector network analyzer. Understand the role of calibration standards (6, 7).

10. Control instruments such as sources, voltmeters via the HPIB bus from a computer using Agilent Vee and National Instrument Labview (1, 7).

11. Perform automated scalar reflectometry measurements (1, 6).

12. Use one-, two-, and three-term error models to remove errors from reflectometer measurements. This permits the accurate complex determination of a complex unknown (1, 6, 7).

13. Use the automated network analyzers. These are the Performance Network Analyzer (PNA) series: E8358A, E8363B. Use the time-domain option on the E8363B to perform TDR measurements (1, 6, 7).

14. Perform Eye diagram simulations and measurements (1, 6, 7).

15. Learn about advanced calibration techniques such as the 8-term and 12-term error models (1, 6, 7).

16. Perform thru-reflect-line (TRL) calibrations for more accurate measurements (1, 6, 7).

17. Perform on-wafer measurements using a microwave probe station (6).

Last updated

5/31/2019by Jose E. Schutt-Aine