ECE 343

ECE 343 - Electronic Circuits Laboratory

Spring 2025

Electronic Circuits LaboratoryECE343N56920LAB11100 - 1350 T  4074 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Chandrasekhar Radhakrishnan
Joe Yu
Electronic Circuits LaboratoryECE343O56921LAB11400 - 1650 T  4074 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Chandrasekhar Radhakrishnan
Luke Alexander Granger
Electronic Circuits LaboratoryECE343Q56923LAB11700 - 1950 T  4074 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Chandrasekhar Radhakrishnan
Joe Yu
Prithvi Nathan
Electronic Circuits LaboratoryECE343R59422LAB11100 - 1350 R  4074 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Chandrasekhar Radhakrishnan
Prithvi Nathan
Electronic Circuits LaboratoryECE343S60160LAB11400 - 1650 R  4074 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Chandrasekhar Radhakrishnan
Luke Alexander Granger

Official Description

Companion laboratory for ECE 342. Course Information: Credit is not given for both ECE 343 and PHYS 404. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in ECE 342.

Subject Area

  • Integrated Circuits and Systems


This laboratory is designed to supplement the material of ECE 342 and provide a first experience in design, simulation, analysis, and test of electronic circuits using PSpice and lab instruments.


This course is designed to supplement the material of ECE 342 and provide a first experience in design, simulation, analysis, and test of electronic circuits using LTpice, Analog Devices ADALM1000 kits, and lab instruments.


  • Electric circuit analysis
  • Diodes, rectifier and regulator
  • MOS transistors
  • MOS logic circuits
  • MOS amplifier circuits
  • Project Work

Detailed Description and Outline

This course is designed to supplement the material of ECE 342 and provide a first experience in design, simulation, analysis, and test of electronic circuits using PSpice and lab instruments.


  • Passive and active filters
  • Diodes
  • MOS transistors
  • MOS logic circuits
  • MOS amplifier circuits
  • BJT transistors
  • BJT Amplifier Circuits
  • Project work

Computer Usage

  • Computer simulation using LTSPice
  • Circuit bench test and data analysis using Analog Devices ADALM1000 kits
  • Data analysis using Keysight Bench Vue, Excel, and Matlab

Topical Prerequisites

  • Familiarity with circuit lab work and instrumentation
  • Familiarity with a personal computer


No text.

ABET Category

Engineering Science: 25%
Engineering Design: 75%

Course Goals

ECE 343 is an adjunct to ECE 342 - Electronic Circuits - and is required for ECE majors. The goals are to supplement the material of ECE 342, to assist students in obtaining a better understanding of the operation of microelectronic circuits, and to provide a first experience in analysis, design, and test of microelectronic circuits using LTSpice, ADALM1000 Kits, and lab instruments.

Lab#1 Passive and Active Filters (6 hours)

At the end of this project, the students will be able to do the following:

  1. Fourier/LaPlace transform and filter design review (1)
  2. Use of circuit simulation software (LTspice) to analyze performance (1,6)
  3. Setup hardware (ADALM1000) needed in the experiment (1,6)
  4. Record measurement using ALICE software (3)
  5. Perform demo in lab using lab equipment (1,6)
  6. Compare and analyze theoretical, simulated, and experimental results (1,3,6)
  7. Draw conclusions from analysis (1,3,6)

Lab#2 Diodes and Application (6 hours)

At the end of this project, the students will be able to do the following:

  1. Use LT Spice to simulate diode I-V curves and interpret results (1,6)
  2. Analyze a diode based regulator/reference voltage source and simulate using LTSpice (1,6)
  3. Analyze and simulate diode based rectifier circuits (1,6)
  4. Setup hardware (ADALM1000) needed in the experiment (1,6)
  5. Record measurement using ALICE software (3)
  6. Perform demo in lab using lab equipment (1,6)
  7. Compare and analyze theoretical, simulated, and experimental results (1,3,6)
  8. Draw conclusions from analysis (1,3,6)

Lab#3 MOS Transistors and MOS applications (12 hours)

At the end of this Lab, the students will be able to do the following:

1. Obtain and investigate MOS I-V characteristics and obtain key MOS parameters from the IV characteristics. (1,3,6)

2. Analyze, simulate Build CMOS logic circuits verify the logic function, and measure the propagation delay, noise margin, and power dissipation using an oscilloscope, function generator, and power supply. Compare with expected results(1,3,6)

3. Analyze, simulate, and build MOS amplifiers. (1,3,56)

4. Record measurement using ALICE software. Analyze results compare DC bias point, gain, input/output resistances with the theoretical values, and impact of nonlinearity and feedback. (1, 3, 6)

5. Perform demo in lab using lab equipment (1,6)

6. Analyze and verify the operation MOS as a variable resistor. (1, 3, 6)

7. Design and build a voltage controlled potentiometer. (1, 3, 6)

Lab #4 BJT and BJT Amplifiers (6 hours)

At the end of this lab, the students will be able to do the following:

1. Obtain and investigate BJTI-V characteristics and obtain key BJTparameters from the IV characteristics. (1, 3, 6)

2. Analyze, simulate, and build BJT amplifiers. (1, 3, 6)

3. Record measurement using ALICE software. Analyze results compare DC bias point, gain, input/output resistances with the theoretical values, and impact of nonlinearity and feedback (1, 3, 6)

4. Perform demo in lab using lab equipment (1, 3, 6)

Project (9 hours)

At the end of this project, the students will be able to do the following:

1. Circuit design using nonlinear circuit elements. (1, 5)

2. Making and justifying design choices based on requirements. (1,5)

3. Simulate design using LT Spice. Record results and verify design specifications are met. (1, 3, 5, 6)

4. Bench test using lab equipment. Record results verify design specifications are met (1, 3, 5, 6)

Last updated
