Steven Lumetta

 Steven Lumetta
Steven Lumetta

For More Information


  • Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley, December 1998

Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities

If the MRI is funded, there are three positions for people to develop the instrument, and I intend to find postdocs to fill those positions. The intent is to use the MRI as a catalyst for interdisciplinary research efforts around computational genomics, so these postdocs will be able to help with those efforts and participate in them part time (% for some of the positions ramps down later in the project based on assumption of moving part of their time over to research efforts).

Research Interests

  • computational genomics, smartphone-based bioassays, optical network architecture, computer architecture, cluster computing, parallel computing, user-level communication, validation and reliability

Research Areas

  • Software systems

Teaching Honors

  • Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, Spring 2002 (497SSL ... grad class back then)
  • Collins Fellow (from the COE Academy for Excellence in Engineering Education), 2000, 2001, 2002.
  • GE Scholar (from the College of Engineering Teaching College), 1999

Research Honors

  • NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award, 2000
  • Best Student Paper Award, SC97: High-Performance Networking and Computing
  • NSF Graduate Fellowship, 1991-1995

Public Service Honors

  • Member of the Center for Excellence in Education's Chicago Board of Directors (one of the Center's programs is an outreach program intended to encourage inner-city youth to pursue further education).

Recent Courses Taught

  • ECE 101 - Exploring Digital Info Technol
  • ECE 120 - Introduction to Computing
  • ECE 220 - Computer Systems & Programming
  • ECE 391 - Computer Systems Engineering
  • ECE 408 (CS 483, CSE 408) - Applied Parallel Programming
  • ECE 508 (CS 508) - Manycore Parallel Algorithms