Nikita Borisov

Nikita Borisov
Nikita Borisov
(217) 244-5385
460 Coordinated Science Lab

For More Information


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, UC Berkeley, 2005

Research Statement

My research interests lie in the area of computer security and privacy, especially as applied to large-scale distributed systems. My current focus is on anonymity: analysis of existing anonymous systems and the design of new peer-to-peer anonymous networks. In this research I take a systems approach, with rigorous, quantitative metrics of anonymity and analysis with help from simulations. I also work on other privacy enhancing technologies, such as techniques for privacy-preserving data aggregation, as well as research into building reliable and secure peer-to-peer networks.

Research Interests

  • Fingerprinting of network traffic and endpoints
  • Privacy-preserving data sharing
  • Design and analysis of anonymous networks

Research Areas

  • Communication networks
  • Computer networking
  • Computer security, privacy, and information trust
  • Cryptographic systems and protocols
  • Distributed and peer-to-peer systems
  • Operating systems
  • Watermarking and information forensics

Research Topics

  • Cybersecurity and privacy
  • Distributed computing and storage systems
  • Sensing systems
  • Smart grid and energy delivery
  • Wearable and mobile computing

Teaching Honors

  • On the Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked Excellent by Their Students, Spring 2006

Research Honors

  • The Web Conference best paper (2019)
  • ASIACCS Best Paper (2014)
  • NSF CAREER award (2010)

Recent Courses Taught

  • CS 374 ADA (CS 374 ADB, CS 374 ADC, CS 374 ADD, CS 374 ADE, CS 374 ADF, CS 374 ADG, CS 374 ADH, CS 374 ADJ, CS 374 ADK, CS 374 AL1, CS 374 BL1, CS 374 BYA, CS 374 BYB, CS 374 BYC, CS 374 BYD, CS 374 BYE, CS 374 BYF, CS 374 BYG, CS 374 BYH, ECE 374 ADA, ECE 374 ADB, ECE 374 ADC, ECE 374 ADD, ECE 374 ADE, ECE 374 ADF, ECE 374 ADG, ECE 374 ADH, ECE 374 ADJ, ECE 374 ADK, ECE 374 AL1, ECE 374 BL1, ECE 374 BLZ, ECE 374 BYA, ECE 374 BYB, ECE 374 BYC, ECE 374 BYD, ECE 374 BYE, ECE 374 BYF, ECE 374 BYG, ECE 374 BYH) - Intro to Algs & Models of Comp
  • CS 425 (ECE 428) - Distributed Systems
  • CS 461 (ECE 422) - Computer Security I
  • ECE 120 - Introduction to Computing
  • ECE 391 - Computer Systems Engineering
  • ECE 598 DI - Digital Identity