Facts and Rankings
Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Program
Undergraduate Computer Engineering Program
Courses Offered
Total Research Expenditures
Graduate Electrical Engineering Program
Graduate Computer Engineering Program
Expert Faculty
Why ECE at Illinois?
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois offers a world-class education that allows students to master the fundamentals that will make them outstanding engineers. Learn more about what sets us apart, and how you might fit in our program.
ECE research centers and groups are incubators that provide superior research capabilities in the fundamental engineering sciences and in collaboration with industrial and governmental laboratories.
Support genius
In small moments and in vast labs, genius happens here every day - thanks in no small part to all those who give generously to support our students and faculty. Our innovations are more than the result of their vision: they're the return on your investment.
Upcoming Events
3:00 PM
Designing Hardware for Cryptography and Cryptography for Hardware
1002 ECEB - Grainger Auditorium
4:00 PM
ECE Student Advancement Committee (ECESAC): Technical Elective Fair
1002 Grainger Auditorium, ECEB
5:00 PM
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