ECE 508

ECE 508 - Manycore Parallel Algorithms

Fall 2021

Manycore Parallel AlgorithmsCS508E75612LEC41100 - 1220 T R  2013 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg  Steven Lumetta
Manycore Parallel AlgorithmsCS508ONL75700OLC41100 - 1220 T R     Steven Lumetta
Manycore Parallel AlgorithmsECE508E75582LEC41100 - 1220 T R  2013 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg  Steven Lumetta
Manycore Parallel AlgorithmsECE508ONL75699OLC41100 - 1220 T R     Steven Lumetta

Official Description

Algorithm techniques for enhancing the scalability of parallel software: scatter vs. gather, problem decomposition, spatial sorting and binning, privatization for reduced conflicts, tiling for data locality, regularization for improved load balance, compaction to conserve memory bandwidth, double-buffering to overlap latencies, and data layout for improved efficiency of DRAM accesses. Course Information: Same as CS 508. 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. Prerequisite: ECE 408 or CS 420.

Subject Area

  • Software Systems